Monday, March 28, 2005

Living Life...

...instead of writing about it.

Saw Beatlemania at a local casino on Saturday night, and played blackjack at a real table for the first time, too. Don't know if I'd do it on my own in the future, but it's fun going with someone who knows what he's doing to show you how.

Anyway, it was a fun evening, and it was all comped by the casino, so win-win all around.

More later.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

I'm Not Dead Yet!

There! Disappeared for ANOTHER week, and bet you thought it was forever, you short-attention-spanned goldfish, you!

Well, the horoscope man was right about me being cranky and out of sorts for a week, but that's about it. Of course, as a menopausal woman, that's pretty much a given some of the time. He doesn't know me, though. So it was a good guess.

We went to the Renaissance Festival out in Apache Junction yesterday. I visited a psychic while I was there. For the record, she said both my sons would marry, although the younger would do it before the elder. They each will eventually have two children, but I won't be a grandmother for at least another 5 years. This will be a good year for me, one of great change and improvement. No specific mention of a new, appropriate male in my life. Huh. We'll just see, won't we.

It was a busy week. I pulled a muscle in my side last Sundaywhile sorting junk in the family room, and by Monday morning it had stiffened up so much I couldn't get dressed. So, used a sick day on Monday to nurse my sore ribs and side. Tuesday through Thursday went okay at work, and the pain subsided.

Thursday was St. Patrick's Day, and I'd already put in for a vacation day for Friday. Yes, I've finally learned not to try to work the next day. Ms. Kat was once again the blessed Designated Driver. We'd planned a prolonged pub crawl, but there are only so many hours in an evening. We wound up hitting just three places. At the second place, we ran into some nurses from a local hospital who were a hoot. Otherwise, it was a lot of twenty-somethings out to drink and check each other out. I couldn't find a good Irish band to save my sanity. We wrapped up the evening at our regular karaoke hangout. Got in a couple of songs and another pitcher of beer, and my friend poured me home.

Slept through most of Friday, and thus the hangover I had undoubtedly earned. Got up to drive YS and his bosom buddies to the mall for a movie date. I'd forgotten I had an appointment for a massage, so dashed home to get the money and back up for the massage. Arrived home afterward, and realized Ms. Kat and I had planned to go to the Phoenix BBW Spring Fling karaoke night in Tempe. Okayyyyyyyyyy. No drinking though. There's been entirely too much of that this week already.

The party was fun, although I drank so much Diet Coke I was hyped up on caffeine by midnight (12:30, maybe?) when we left. I got to be the driver this time, since it was a non-alcoholic evening for me. Ms. Kat had had her own challenges during the day, and was grateful not to have to drive anymore. Anyway, I saw friends I hadn't seen for a while, danced like a wild woman with the other over 40 broads, and sang my heart out. No sleeping, though. Ugh! Caffeine.

Up at 7 yesterday to dress for the Renn Faire (Yes, we dress). Took OS's car because we were five in our party, and my little Nissan wouldn't hold us all. Poor kid had a flat (thank goodness we were in walking distance to the front gate) on the way there, and wound up spending an hour with his vehicle while we made a dash for the Festival and the privies.

It rained on and off, which you might think would make for a muddy mire at the fairgrounds. No. That dirt is so hard packed, it doesn't have a prayer of sinking in. Only the top eighth of an inch gets damp. I draped a shawl over the top of my big straw hat and made quite a good rain shelter. No anachronistic umbrella for me. No sir!

Once we met the rest of the group for our annual photo, we all split up to wander on our own. YS and his GF nuzzled and snuggled their way around. OS finally showed up and found places to shoot arrows and throw axes. Ms. Kat and I tried to stay together, but her poor knees could only take so much walking. She cut me loose to nose around at my own pace, while she looked at what she was interested in at hers.

Bought some "skin cure" ointment at an herbal apothecary, a turkey leg, funnel cake, and three raspberry chocolates to take home. Watched a few shows and a joust, and cruised the various shops. Walked MILES. It was all good for me.

After we dropped Kat off at her place, we stopped at home so we could switch cars. OS left for his martial arts club. I don't know how he kept moving, after short sleep the night before, tire changing and lots of walking. He did, though. Was I that energetic at 20?

I jumped in my car with YS and his beloved to drive her home. Met her mom, finally. Pretty lady, and much younger than I. She doesn't speak much English, and my Spanish is spotty, so we didn't get much past mucho gusto, but at least we've looked in each other's eyeballs. I feel better now. Wonder if she does.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Hey, I have FEELINGS, too!

The Emotional IQ Test
How People-Smart Are You?

Sue, your Emotional IQ is 131.

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Tickle's Emotional IQ test. But your Emotional IQ score is much more than just a number: it's an indicator of success.

Research has shown that people with high emotional intelligence scores — not necessarily those with the highest IQ scores — tend to be the most valued and productive employees and have the longest and happiest romantic relationships.

So, where are you most emotionally smart? Your test results show that your strongest suit is empathy — your ability to see things from someone else's point of view.

Take your own Tickle EIQ test.

The Relationship Color Test
What Shade of Love is Right for You?

Sue, your relationship color is Blue
This means that you tend to be a cooperative partner whose listening and negotiation skills are first rate. Above all, you seem to try to keep the lines of communication open between you and the one you love. In your mind, it's usually far better to talk about problems as they arise rather than sweeping them under the rug. For you to really feel connected to your special someone, it's important that they hear and understand you. Ordinarily, you'll return this courtesy tenfold by paying close attention to your partner's perspective when they have something to say.
People with compatible relationship colors tend to bring out the best in one another because their approach to relationships is harmonious. But if you're with someone whose relationship color clashes with yours, you're headed for more challenges than most.

Dueling Horoscopes

Your Week in Focus by John
Your Creative Side

You might get a little fraught in the communications department at the start of the week, SUZANNE, as Mars moves to oppose Saturn. Such an aspect is prone to creating obstacles, especially if you are traveling anywhere (Nope), if you are trying to settle legal issues (Nope), or if you want to get a contract signed
(Nope). This is only a temporary delay, but if you are in a hurry you could find yourself gnashing your teeth and biting your nails in frustration. Try and stay calm as the delay might even work in your favor.

There is also an emphasis on your love life, especially if you are looking for a date or keen to get into a light romance (Perk! Really?! NOW you have my attention!). Venus, the Sun, and Uranus all in this sector now bring you the chance to find a date with a difference. You don't want to move in the same old circles, and are keen to meet others who have a few original ideas that can excite and delight you (OKAY! Keep TALKIN'!).

Your creativity is going to be unleashed in new ways, and the New Moon on Thursday will bring with it a chance to let your artistic side out to play. (Wait! What about the date thing? Is that it?) Jupiter in Libra continues to encourage you to use your intuition as often as possible, and to keep a journal of your dreams. (Well, crap. Journal this.)


Scorpio Horoscope for 3/7 - 3/13

This week's scenario is highlighted by you being very alert and on your toes.
That is a good thing. (Oh really?)

The pace is likely to be fast, even hectic.

You are restless and eager to meet others halfway, to converse, exchange information, and make connections. (Does this tie in with the elusive dating thing in John's horoscope?)

Nervousness or irritability due to aggravations and the stress of increased demands at work is possible. (Nervousness and irritability due to aggravations and stress are always possible. Duh.)

It may be difficult to reason with loved ones now. (I live with adolescents. Again: Duh.)

A family member, sibling, relative, or mate could make your routine, everyday tasks seem a bit chaotic just now. (ditto)

All sorts of complications are possible either when communicating, traveling, or running errands for your loved ones.

You may get saddled with others' responsibilities now and then complain you are being taken advantage of. (Ack! DITTO!)

Petty disagreements can spoil the atmosphere in your domestic life. (DOH!)

If you have children, they may be very fussy and hard to please at this time. (Aw Jeez! Give me a break, will ya?)

This horoscope provided by Astrology Source. Learn about your inner self, friends, and lovers.

So? It's Sunday.

I signed up for yet another online matchmaking service. Okay, well...I filled out the questionnaire, I didn't pay anything...yet.

When will I learn that most men online are looking for a young, athletic, sex-starved camping and NASCAR watching partner? You can't be fat, you can't be smarter, you can't be non-athletic or not want to sleep with their dog in the bed. You must also be willing to drive to his house and provide sex on demand, before or after going to the game. Or better yet, watch the game on TV with him, and then roll joyfully into bed. I'd say I was bitter, except I keep trying...

Hope springs eternal. What man wants my fat, snoring, brilliant ass for a long-term relationship? Hello? Are you out there? (knock, knock, knock on your monitor)

I'm going over to visit my late, great friend's widower this afternoon. He is still, after six months, sitting in his house with his dog, smoking cigarettes and watching TV. When he can't sleep, he goes to the local casino to play poker (and WINS). He chews on his grief like jerky...working it over and over until all the flavor is gone, but never swallowing it and finishing the job. He is my friend, and I love his pathetic ass, even though he makes it really difficult. Every time I think, "why do I bother?" I see my girlfriend looking at me, pleading, "Take care of him...I can't any more." So, I'll go and keep being his friend.

How Smart Am I?

Congratulations, Sue!
Your IQ score is 140

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Scientific IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.

Try taking your own test at:

This is simply proof that even "Visionary Philosophers" do dumb stuff.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Another Thursday

Almost every Thursday I'm dead meat, because almost every Wednesday night I go sing karaoke. You'd think I'd learn. I guess it must be worth it. The lack of sleep hasn't stopped the activity yet.

Kat and I were both ambivalent about going out last night. "You want to?" "I don't know. Do you want to?" So we did.

Gentleman Jim was fighting the technology again last night. Looked like one of the other DJ's from during the week had taken out discs, or moved them around, or something. That really slows down the action in a karaoke club. Ugh. Plus, he was all keyed up again. I wonder what kind of speed he takes. He says he has narcolepsy, and has to take meds to keep him from falling asleep standing up, so he can work. I don't know--he gets pretty manic up there. Talks so fast you can't understand what he's saying.

So, it got to be about 11 p.m., and K wanted to go. I stayed a little longer, because I had two more songs left on the list to sing. What the heck. In for a penny, in for a pound. Today at work was going to be zombie time, anyway.

We need to find a new place to go, though. Every week, the same people; the same song selection, the same damn DJ. And no eligible men, either. Well, if you want your man to have teeth and a few brain cells left, anyway.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Lost Week

So here I am again, after hiding from my computer for a week.

We celebrated YS's 17th birthday (went to see Million Dollar Baby and out to dinner at Red Lobster), enjoyed the honors assembly at his high school (he's top kid in his class again this year), and sent off a birthday gift to Niece in Parker, CO.

Exciting, huh?

Yeah. That's why I didn't bother writing about it every day.
So, tonight is karaoke night with Ms. Kat and whoever else bothers to show up. I need to pick some new songs to try. If I'm getting bored singing them, I can imagine how the people listening feel.