Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanks a Lot...

Thanksgiving recap:

Food: very good, if I do say so myself. Managed to do comparatively low-fat, yet traditional-tasting, dishes. Of course, when you over-consume, there are caloric consequences.

Company: Eh. The friend I had invited and thought would attend backed out at the last minute. It was me and the boys and Beloved. Older son got weird on us, too...right at dinner time. I wanted to throw the mashed potato spoon at his head. But didn't. Yay, me. Stellar self control.

Black Friday Shopping: Ouch! Was at the local Wal-Mart by 5:10 a.m. What a frickin' NIGHTmare! The crowds were like jackals around the only carcass at the water hole. The store employees looked unhappy to be there, and certainly did nothing to improve the atmosphere. Abandoned my cart within 5 minutes and struggled to get out with my dignity, if nothing else. Headed over to the K-Mart, which opened at 6 a.m. People in line were friendly, and the store staff polite and friendly. I guess the lack of spectacular electronics sales could account for part of that. Anyway, I picked up some gift items there in a more enjoyable environment.

After the Big K, it was breakfast at Village Inn, and taking a look at the newspaper. Noticed some items I could use on sale at Fry's Electronics, so headed over there. Pretty crowded, but it seemed the early crush was over by the time I got there (and the 1 gb MP3 players on sale were gone ). Got good buys on a new car stereo and printer, neither of which is installed yet. Ugh.

On my return home, YS and Beloved wanted to go see Harry Potter and the...etc... I'd already seen it earlier in the week, so while they watched the Tri Wizard Tournament, I saw Rent. Homophobes, be warned. You will hate this movie. Anyone else who enjoys well-done musicals will probably enjoy it. Good music, story with joy and pain. Didn't expect it to impact me all that much, but was left sobbing through the final credits. Completely caught me off guard.

Stayed home Friday night, and went to bed early.

More on the rest of the weekend later.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Long time again...

Wow! Last night was SO cool...

I felt like stopping for a beer on the way home from work yesterday. Since I get off work between 4 and 4:30, it's usually a good bet 1) that I will find happy hour specials if any are offered, and 2) I will be sitting in a bar with a lot of barflies who don't have regular jobs to go to.

So, I had resigned myself to a cheap pitcher of beer ($2.75) at Skippers with some of the local toothless wonders. I'd heard they had karaoke early there, but remembered after I sat down that it was only Monday through Thursday, or something like that.

Never mind, it looked like a band was setting up, and this place billed itself as a "House of Blues". Yeah, sure. I've heard that before in Phoenix.

I called Kat to tell her where I was, and she stopped by to talk for a half hour before picking up her daughter and heading to the nail salon.

The beer was beginning to hit me, so I walked a block over to the Chinese Buffet to grab a cheap dinner. 45 minutes later, back to Skippers to see what was going on. Lo and behold, MORE band-type people setting up! How many people are in that band, anyway? There had to be 9 or 10 people setting up mikes and saxophones and guitars...

NYM made his evening call, and I told him where I was and what I was doing (must've been almost 6 by now), and he asked if I wanted company. With no return by Kat, I said yes, and settled in to watch and wait.

It turned out that the Phoenix Blues Society was meeting at Skipper's, and there were TWO really good bands set to play: Groove Defenders and Lynwood Flyers. Of the two, I liked Groove Defenders better, but they were both excellent. NYM and I had a wonderful time. Cheap beer, great music and enthusiastic, happy people made for one of the most enjoyable evenings I've had in a long time.

Perhaps I should join the Phoenix Blues Society...they definitely seemed to have a good time.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I found Millie!

Got a lead to a blog by an 80-year-old lady named Millie. You can find it here:

I love's like reading something my mother would write. If I hadn't lost her 15 years ago, that is.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Zippity Doo Dah

Laundry's done, hair's re-colored, and I'm headed to the nail salon for fills after work this afternoon. Nothing like artificial enhancement of one's person to lift the spirits!

Karaoke last night at MOM's was fun..just me, Kat and NYM. Got to sing three songs I'm working on for the music group. It was flattering that people got up to dance. Of course, they were mostly pretty drunk, but still...

Speaking of the music group, we didn't have a drummer at the last meeting. We seem to have finally settled on about 25 songs we're really going to work on. I loaded them on a cheap little MP3 player I can listen to at work and plug into my car stereo system, and listen to them over and over. I'm not sure, but I think I ran a red light last night while belting "Walking In Memphis" at the top of my lungs down 51st Avenue. Gotta watch that.

Friday, October 21, 2005


Somehow, I thought when the weather cooled off a bit, I'd be more energetic. This is not proving to be the case.
There are so many projects I should be taking up now, and I'm not doing any of them.
In addition, I've put back on 30 of the 50 lbs I lost two-three years ago, and that probably is not helping the situation at all. Ugh.
The question is, how can I self motivate to get the ball rolling? Once I'm on the move, I tend to keep going for at least a while. Momentum works. Where can one find it?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Just Another Wednesday

We had a fire drill today, but didn't evacuate our building (20 stories in downtown Phoenix). It was just to test the equipment. The sirens went for about 15 minutes, which would ordinarily drive me out of my mind. We had been given earplugs, though, so even though we could still hear them, it didn't seem so loud.

Otherwise, the day has been uneventful. I've been working on a portion of our department's website that is supposed to be ready for a roll-out next Tuesday. As long as everyone involved gets their material to me in time, no problem. I keep getting things formatted and published as I receive them.

Tonight is karaoke with the gang. Instead of our usual hangout, we're going up to the place where we usually go dancing on Saturday nights. Some of my friends have been there for karaoke, and say it is really good. Okay, we'll see.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Good Weekend

Great visit from Auntie #2 and her elder son and his fiancee yesterday! Only thing more I could wish for would be MORE TIME!

Took a mental health day (with Boss's hooky) on Friday. Saturday morning went for massage at the massage school with Kat (2 for 1 works out to $16 apiece on student clinic days). Oh boy, was that good!

Quiet evening at home with NYM on Saturday night. I was still fried from the birthday party we went to on Friday night. Oh yeah. If a little beer is good, lots of beer should be GREAT, right? I just want to know who attempted to remove the top of my head during the night...

Busted butt cleaning on Sunday a.m. so the house would be at least presentable (not home and garden presentable--health department presentable) for Auntie's visit.

Had another large and loud disagreement with YS about household obligations and who owes whom respect and so on. He is once again without internet and phone in his room, allowance, and rides to school for himself and Beloved. I wonder how long it will take for him to come around.

Friday, September 30, 2005

What's up?

Sheesh! Almost three weeks without posting. I'm torn between feeling guilty and "screw you". It isn't like anyone but me reads this stuff anyway, Right?

Still, a recurring dysfunction between me and any journal I've ever attempted to keep in my life reappears in this electronic context. I burn out on it. I fry. I give up. Or, as YS is wont to say, my "goldfish attention span" kicks in.

Of course, he usually uses that expression when we're walking through the mall, in the midst of a conversation, and we pass a fine jewelry store. Sparkly Things! Ooooooooh! I can't be held responsible for losing my train of thought in the face of hundreds of carats of diamonds and acres of pretty gold and platinum. Mama taught me to appreciate these little bits of glittering joy, and By Golly, for once I'm following through on some of Mama's advice.

Anyway, NYM has proven very persistent. Thus, we are now dating. We talk on the phone 3 to 4 times a day, which seems excessive to me. I've explained I'm not a "phone person", but that does not deter him. So, if I run out of stuff to say, I tell him so, and say a warm goodbye and TTYL. Again, he doesn't seem to mind. Is ANYone really this easygoing? Only time will tell.

Monday, September 12, 2005

A Weekend Back Among the Living

Saturday afternoon, Kat and I went to the Red Hat Society luncheon at the Rock Bottom Brewery. It was a simple affair; just food and talk. Fun, though.

Went home to rest (watched Phantom of the Opera DVD with OS-cranked the sound WAYYYY up) until 8 pm.

Got a call from Kat at 7:30 telling me that New Young Man (NYM) had already shown up in shirt and tie. She got calls from others of our friends to tell us about it. Apparently, it was HIGHLY unusual. Okay, so I ditched what I wore to the luncheon, and put on a black outfit that was more "Saturday Night".

More later.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Back at work...again...

I must be a big baby or something.

At the post op check, the Doc told me most people go back to desk jobs one week after this surgery. Two weeks was all he was willing to give me. Ugh.

So, okay, here I am at work, and it isn't going badly at all. The old abs are still pretty sore, but I'm not having any problem sitting up and doing what I need to do.

Only had 183 e-mails to go through this morning. Not too bad, as some folks see 300-400 when they come back from a two-week vacation. Mama's got some GOOOOD spam filters going!

One more hour to go, and it looks like it'll be fine.

Woosy whiney-baby, signing off.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Drove YS and Beloved to school this morning. Then headed for Wally World to get dryer sheets. Of course, spent $40 on other stuff (DID remember the dryer sheets, but forgot to get honey, and now own FOUR wire whisks). Managed to get home under my own power, but I'm paying for it now. Feels a bit like I've been punched in the gut, or did about 2500 sit ups yesterday. Very sore abs.

Post Op check up at surgeon's office tomorrow. I'm going to tell him I'm not ready for work yet. If I can hold off until Monday, I know I'll be in shape to work, not just show up.

It's difficult to write scintillating prose when nothing is happening in my life.

Uh, let's see...I opened a new charge account to transfer an old balance at 0% interest for the next year. Maybe I can get the dang thing paid down this way. I've been paying $90 a month in interest for more than a year. Yikes! No WONDER it's taking so long to pay it off!

Decided not to refi the house again, if I can do without it. I'll never get this interest rate again, and don't want to pay fees and closing costs again. "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get."

Just have to exercise self-restraint and only pay the credit card, not use it. I can do it, I can do it, I CAN do it!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

"Each day, in every way...

I just keep getting better and better." -- thanks, Dale Carnegie.

Healing continues. Not as out of it as I have been, maybe because the pain meds aren't as necessary as time goes on.

There is no way I'm going back to work THIS week. Ow.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Over, and ... done?

Okay, the surgery was on Thursday morning. Today is Monday, and I still hurt like hell. Some people apparently go back to work three days after laparoscopic surgery. They must be very brave souls...or have no sense of pain...or are masochists.

More later, when I can sit up for longer without being dosed with pain killers.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Oh Yuck

Still hurting and counting down to G Day. (gall bladder hoo hah)

Stayed in all weekend, but did fine at work today. Two more days in the office and then...relief!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

8 More Days

I go in for gall bladder surgery on the 25th, and I can't wait.

This constant, nagging almost-pain up under my rib cage is dragging me down. It's good that there haven't been more acute attacks in the past month, but never feeling really good wears one down.

Plus, NSAIDs for arthitis pain will be back on the menu after being verboten for 10 days before the operation (bleeding concerns).

Once everything heals back up, I'll be good to go!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Sick! Sick, I Tell You!

No, seriously. Everyone is sick.

OS had a cold, which he shared with me and YS because we are such a loving family we just can't stop hugging each other.

YS shared it with Beloved, and apparently, Beloved shared it with her mom.

This morning, YS was feeling too bad to go to school, but Beloved had to go, and her mother was too sick to drive her there. So I went and picked up Beloved and took her to school, and headed off to work myself.

In the meantime, OS left for California last night, so is now infecting...uh...sharing the joy with his father's family there.

If anyone from the CDC comes around looking for Patient Zero, mum's the word.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Big Birthday in Our House

21 years ago today, I was in Tarzana Medical Center with a pitocin drip in my arm, waiting to have a baby.

Yep, OS turns 21 today.

I'd like to make it a grand and festive occasion, but am not sure how much so it will be. His younger brother is still ticked off at him for the fight they had last Friday, and he doesn't have friends here...they're all back in California.

There's a cake with candles and a gift from Mom waiting for him. I wanted to take him out for his first legal drink, but he has a cold, and I think I'm coming down with it, too. Ugh. I'll ask him if he wants to go, but doubt he'll take me up on it.

He travels to visit his Dad in CA on Thursday, returning Saturday night. Hope that goes well for both of them. I know YS is looking forward to a bit of peace while he's gone.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sunday Night

After a hectic and enjoyable Saturday, this has been a very relaxing day of rest.

Woke up early and got chores done before 8:30 a.m.

My new contact lenses and computer glasses were in, so I went over to the optometrist's office to pick them up (with OS in tow). Tried on some color ones, too. I think I'm going to get a box of green ones after my next check comes in.

Took OS out to breakfast, and then we went to Samurai Comics. Next stop was Bookman's for used books, music and DVD's. I found some sheet music and a horror book; OS walked out with a bunch of RPG books for less than $6 apiece. Since they retail for a minimum of $20 new, he was quite pleased with his finds.

We headed home, and he disappeared into his room to go through his new books. I decided to watch a movie and take a nap before getting ready to go out dancing.

Ms. Kat picked me up at 8, and we headed over to meet the bunch at My Ole Man's. There was a really good rock n roll band there, so naturally we danced a lot. Unfortunately, I had chosen to wear my adorable, but not very comfortable, little white sandals. My feet were killing me by the end of the night.

We got home by about 1. After grabbing something to eat, I hit the sheets.

Ms. Kat called me about 9:15 this morning, and I was not ready to go out to breakfast with the bunch. I'd had about 6 hours of sleep, and my feet were in agony. So, back to sleep for a few hours, and feeling much better when I did finally get up.

Made some jewelry, cleaned the kitchen again, talked to a prospective web design client, cooked dinner, read my new book. Ms. Kat called to invite me over to go swimming with some of the group, but I think I'll likely just relax and finish up what needs to be done before I head back to work tomorrow.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Back to Work!

Saturday night turned out to be a lot of fun. Overdosed on C&W music a bit, but the company was fine.

Yesterday was busy, too. Took YS to work early, went to breakfast with Ms. Kat and the AOL bunch (and laughed til it HURT), stopped at home for a half hour and then headed over to my friend Ron's house for an afternoon/evening of chatting, soaking in the hot tub and dinner.

The house didn't get cleaned (again), but the dirt always seems to wait for me.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

What a good day!

The day started with a trip to the optometrist's office to pick up YS's new glasses and have my new contact check up. Both went great, and YS gave me a big hug outside the office because he was so happy seeing better and looking good. It was a great moment to be a mom.

At 1 p.m. there was a rehearsal of the new music group forming of folks who work at my company. Mostly guitarists, so they welcomed another singer. I told them I'm a karaoke singer, not a musician, but they said it was mostly for fun and not to worry about it. The idea is, eventually, to entertain at company events and maybe charity things.

Two other women showed up to sing, and we got along well. We didn't sound too bad, either! One of them REALLY struck me as someone I'd like to know better, so I invited her to join me and Kat and the gang for dancing and fun tonight at My Ole Man's. It'll be neat if she shows up.

Now I'm dressed and waiting for Kat to pick me up. She's the ringleader for tonight, so we're going just a little early to make sure there are tables and seats for everyone. Yay! This should be fun!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Poor Kitty

Gracie the Wonder Cat has been ill since last Thursday. Okay, we didn't realize she was sick until early Saturday, but then knew the sneezing she was doing on Thursday must have been the start of it.

What really tipped us off was that there was food left in her dish in the afternoon. When this cat leaves food behind, there is definitely something wrong.

So, I called the vet on Monday, but couldn't get an appointment until Tuesday evening. OS and I took off after work yesterday to go see what was wrong. As he put it, "The cat's broken. Fix it."

The vet doesn't know exactly what's wrong. She wanted to do blood tests and x-rays that would cost over $250 (plus another $215 for more basic stuff) to find out. Hey, I don't have $250 that isn't already earmarked for bills.

She was running a fever, not eating or drinking much, and sneezing like crazy. I okayed giving her subcutaneous fluids, checking her icky ears for mites (nope! I told the tech she didn't have them), and an antibiotic. With the office visit, it came to $120. That I could handle.

The fluids seemed to do her the most good. She was pretty perky this morning--almost her old self. If she'll just eat and drink, now, I'll stop worrying so much.

This is the best cat I've ever shared a home with in my entire life.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Long Time, No Blog

Well, life DOES go on...sometimes whether we want it to or not.

Turned out my Mr. Right wasn't. Darn. I got a "It's not you, it's me," phone call in early June. The problem with those calls, is that we never believe it. It MUST be me, right? Who else was with us all that time? I seriously want to know what turned off the love in his head. What's supposed to be a gentle letdown starts a storm of conjecture: What'd I do? Is it what I said at the bar last Saturday? Is it that he finally saw me naked? Do I have an annoying habit I'm not aware of? Crap.

ANYway, the trip to Kauai went far to salve my hurt feelings. It's a beautiful place, indeed. The thing is, it's a small island. Once you've seen it, you've seen it. So, unless there's a place you REALLY want to spend a lot of time at, it can get boring. Not being a hiking/surfing/scuba/beach chick, I think I'd go buggy if I stayed there too long. If I go back to Hawaii, it'll be to Maui (to see what's changed since 1987) or the Big Island. Pictures WILL be posted.

YS and I went to the eye doctor today. He's thrilled to be getting new glasses. His vision is very poor, and his glasses are almost a part of him. They're VERY important in his world. The old frames kept coming apart, the lenses would pop out, and he lived in constant fear of not being able to see for the rest of the day. Shame on me for making him wait until the insurance allowed him to get new frames. While we were there, they fixed his old frames, too. That means he'll have a back up pair from now on. Yay.

I'm trying contacts again; this time monocular so I don't have to put on reading glasses. We'll see how it works. I hate wearing glasses.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Where did she go?

I'm still here...It's been a busy month. OS bought another car and ditched the money pit (tg!). He took a road trip to Calif to see old friends and have a strained lunch with his father.

YS and Beloved went to visit said father for almost a week and a half. They seem to have had a good time, even with the whiny step-brother thrown in.

I'm getting more and more excited about the trip to Kauai. It's becoming more real as it gets closer.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Good News/Bad News

The good news is that YS is still top scholar in his Junior class. If he doesn't go off track in Senior year, he will be validictorian. That makes for even better scholarship opportunities (which we're going to have to get serious about this summer).

The bad news is, I shut my home computer off after having it turned on continuously for a couple of weeks (okay, I did a couple of restarts in there, but never powered it all the way down), and now it gets hung up loading Windows when rebooting. I've done "system restore" twice, but it's still not happy. Just hangs there with the little green bars cycling forever.

It was too late when we got home from the honors and awards assembly last night to sit down and concentrate on fixing it. Note to self: set aside time this week to work on the magic box.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Had the Big Talk with YS last, not sex, we have that covered already. No, this was chores, teenage bids for independence, showing mutual respect.

Damn. All I wanted was for him to do the dishes on a daily basis. Who knew all that other stuff was involved?

Monday, May 09, 2005

Monday After Mothers Day

I'm doing fine this morning.

The boys really didn't surprise me for Mothers Day... :o(

Although, OS made ugly eggs for everyone for dinner, and YS finally did the dishes that had been sitting there since Friday. Does that count?

Oh well, they can't ALL be winners.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Missed Work for a Good Cause

OS got in his car yesterday morning to head to ASU for his final exam, and the car wouldn't run! The look of panic on his face at 7 a.m. broke my heart.

I told him to get in my car. We dropped YS off at school and headed for ASU. I called in to work and took the day off to make sure he got his tests taken and his car repaired. The kid has test anxiety anyway. It hardly seemed a good idea to have him take a test in a panic on top of his regular panic.

Anyway, all seems to have gone well. He says he feels good about the tests, his car is fixed (and it didn't cost him anything because the part that failed was under warranty). I got big hugs and thank yous. We both feel good about the day.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Tickle Says the Ideal Relationship for me is:

Sue, the thing you need most in a relationship is Quiet Stability

In your ideal world, you would like a relationship structure that is fairly well set — one that doesn't change too often. Although relying on this routine may make it more difficult for you to cope with the inevitable fluctuations within any relationship, you're willing to risk that so you can have a strong sense of stability, security, and privacy with your partner. Because you and your partner would ideally have your patterns set, you'd likely encounter little conflict, and would enjoy the freedom to do your own thing. You desire a comfortable balance of routine and independence, and as long as neither partner's needs are being ignored, neither of you would need a demanding level of intimacy.

Tickle Tests say:

Sue, The Boy Next Door is the man of your dreams

The guy next door can be a lot more than the kid who played a great game of tag and buried you in snowballs. He can be the man of your dreams. A laidback and fun girl like you doesn't need a glass slipper or fancy jewels — you just want a guy who knows how to have a good time and has a handle on what's important.

You're the kind of girl who wants to marry her best friend, so you might not have to look far for the perfect guy for you. Whoever said you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince wasn't talking about you. Tag — you're it!

The Spirit Is Willing...

but the flesh is beat! My heart and mind may feel like I'm in my 20's but my dang body is dragging.

Stayed up WAY late Friday night/Saturday morning after going out with Ms. Kat and MW/NM. Up at about 10:30 Saturday a.m., but fell back into bed around 1 p.m. and stayed there until 6. Got up and clean and dressed and went BACK out with MW/NM to have a good Mexican dinner at Popo's and see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (you won't like it unless you remember the book pretty well). Didn't get out of the movies until about 12:15 Sunday a.m. Then stopped at Walgreen's to satisfy a sugar attack, and back to my house to watch Comedy Central with MW/NM until about 2:30.

Got a little done around the house yesterday, went to bed about 10 p.m., and am STILL tired today. Ugh.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Horoscope by "John" for the coming week...

Creative You

The Sun and Venus in your opposite sign of Taurus are highlighting your relationships, SUZANNE. You get to see where you are within your current maze of connections, and what you can do to improve matters. On Tuesday Venus sextiles Saturn, which helps if you want to make a commitment to a project or a person. It could be a business relationship that is cemented and bodes well for the future. Mars and Uranus in Pisces are continuing to emphasize your creativity and to enable you to find new ways to express your deeper purpose, either through art, a new hobby or a wonderful relationship. Jupiter in Libra continues to bring you those lifesaving hunches when you need them. The weekend may prove more complex than you had imagined as obstacles cross your path quite unexpectedly. When Mercury squares Saturn you may find you are blocked from taking a new course of action. But don't fight over it, as it will be temporary. Sunday is rather intense as Mercury trines Pluto. You can use this profound aspect to either wound or heal depending on your mood at the time. You do have a sting in your tail and this may not help you if you lash out. Try and take the more peaceful route if possible.

What does a birthday mean?

Your Birthdate: November 5

With a birthday on the 5th of the month you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them. (of course I am)
You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas. (woo! I'm GOOD!)
You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel. (OK! Who's payin' for the ticket! Let's go!)

You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable. (Continuing my excellentness.)
Your mind is quick, clever and analytical. (DAMN!)
A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine. (OK, how long is THIS going to go on?)
You may have a tendency to shirk responsibility. (Think I'll take a nap now.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Thank Heaven for Karaoke...

If not for karaoke with Ms. Kat tonight, I'd have nothing but dread for today.

Yesterday, after lunch, I got very sick to my stomach, and had to keep running to the bathroom. After about two hours of that, I gave up and went home.

When I got home, I threw the chicken that was defrosted in the fridge into the oven so the boys would have something to eat for dinner; then fell into bed and conked out.

YS called about 4 to let me know he was at Beloved's house. He called again around 5 to tell me he wanted to eat dinner there. I told him he wasn't to walk home alone after dark, and that I wanted him to be home by 6:30 so it was still light out when he walked home. He said dinner wouldn't be ready that early, so I said he wouldn't be able to stay for dinner. He hung up on me, and by almost 7 p.m., still wasn't home. I called him on Beloved's phone, and told him to come home NOW, that he was in trouble because he had defied me.

While he was walking home, I went in his room and disconnected his internet and removed the cordless phone from his room. He was furious when he arrived, and so was I. Beloved let me know later, via IM, that her mother would've driven him home after dinner, and she told him to call me and tell me, but he wouldn't. So, there's a price to pay for pride, I guess.

We are now in a battle of wills, and I'm not giving in. He has three criteria to meet to get his internet connection and phone back: be home today by 6:30, do his chores, and speak to me politely if he speaks to me at all. We'll see what happens.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Ack! Tuesday!

Okay, so, I woke up with a sore throat and my ears hurting. It must have been a true symphony of snoring last night. No fever, just hurts, so I tried to drown myself in a hot shower to make it all better.
THAT didn't work, but I'm feeling better, so I'm here at work (late, because YS overslept -- and it's all my fault, of course).
I managed to help someone working at a remote location with moving a file so she could go ahead with a presentation, and that made me feel some better. Just now, though, my hand jerked as I was picking up my coffee, and coffee shot all over my office. The good news is, it missed my white pants. The bad news is, it didn't miss my red blouse.
I wonder, if I sneaked out of the office and went back home to bed, would anyone notice? I don't want to hurt anyone today.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Could this be?

NM has turned out to be the new Mr. Wonderful in my life. I met him through that online dating service that I made light of earlier.

He's very sweet and gentle and caring. He even brings up the "L" word. I don't think I'm ready for the "L" word, yet. He says he's a patient man. I surely HOPE so. I've been burned so many times, I'm really gun shy.

In the meantime, I am thoroughly enjoying the positive attention. What a wonderful thing, to have someone get excited to see you!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Good Weekend

What a good weekend this was.

Friday night was restful, which was good, because Saturday was a BUSY day.

Saturday, took YS and his Beloved out to find corsage (okay, floral armband) and boutonniere (sp?) for Prom this coming weekend. Beloved chooses odd times to not speak up about her preferences. Interesting. We finally arrived at a florist we liked and four white roses with blue ribbon and little pearls hanging off. Should be very pretty.

Also took them to the location of the prom, so I could walk them over to the restaurant where they'll be eating dinner. They don't go downtown much, and I don't want them wandering lost on prom night, looking for the Hyatt.

YS also required a haircut, so that's out of the way, too, now.

Dashed home to get ready for my first Red Hat Society lunch. It was held at the Wrigley Mansion, and was LOVELY. I was trying to figure out if I could hide in one of the closets 'til everyone went home and stay the night, but decided that an arrest would probably put a damper on the weekend.

Nice Man (NM) called to check in on our date toward the end of the luncheon. We agreed on a 7:40 showing of Sahara (fun buddy-adventure movie, and Matthew McCauhnehy sp? is so pretty to look at), and whatever we felt like afterward.

As it turned out, whatever was going to a nearby bar I know to have a drink or two and listen to a live band. Notice I said "live" band, and not "great" band. They certainly were loud, and the lady who drank all the tequila was entertaining to watch. I got home around 2.

Sunday, I did some clearing out on the junk pile on the patio, which made OS feel better, and me feel righteous. I was tempted to fall back into bed for a snooze to reward myself, but NM invited me to his house to watch DVD of my choice (he has quite a collection) on his big screen TV.

I chose Chronicles of Riddick, since I couldn't find anyone to go see it in the movies with me, and we went to a local Chinese restaurant that was REALLY good for dinner.

He is REALLY good to hug. :o)

Monday, April 04, 2005

Thoughts on marriage and dating

This weekend, I went to a wedding and out on a first meeting/date.

The wedding was interesting, in that it was her third and his fourth, and yet they still did the big white wedding dress and tuxedo thing. I mean, his grandchildren were in the wedding party. How many time, between the two of them, have they pledged their undying love to someone...else? Hello? Am I the only one who thinks that perhaps a formal wedding was overkill in this situation? Oh well. It was a good party.

On Sunday, I met a gentleman with whom I'd connected through Tickle matchmaking. I think it went well, although I did my usual babbling getting to know you performance. Sometimes, I just can't turn off my mouth. It didn't seem to bother him. Which is good. Because, one never plans to babble. It just happens. If one knew it was going to happen, one could prevent it.

ANYway, we were talking about online dating services. He asked why I had contacted him, based on his ad. Well, he was in the right age range, he seemed smart, he didn't specify he was looking for "trim, athletic build" or a racketball partner. Nor did he say he was looking for someone to go camping and hunting with him. He likes science fiction and movies, so it seemed worth a shot. I've been doing this long enough that I can handle a "no thank you" without suffering a wounded soul.

So, here's my analogy: Placing a singles ad is like announcing a casting call. Answering one is saying, "Yeah, I'd like to try out for this part." Then, you e-mail and chat online and/or on the phone, and that's like submitting your resume. The first meeting is an audition. You'll get cut, or hired on the spot, or called back for another audition, if they're not sure you're right for them.

I think the audition went well. We'll see.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Living Life...

...instead of writing about it.

Saw Beatlemania at a local casino on Saturday night, and played blackjack at a real table for the first time, too. Don't know if I'd do it on my own in the future, but it's fun going with someone who knows what he's doing to show you how.

Anyway, it was a fun evening, and it was all comped by the casino, so win-win all around.

More later.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

I'm Not Dead Yet!

There! Disappeared for ANOTHER week, and bet you thought it was forever, you short-attention-spanned goldfish, you!

Well, the horoscope man was right about me being cranky and out of sorts for a week, but that's about it. Of course, as a menopausal woman, that's pretty much a given some of the time. He doesn't know me, though. So it was a good guess.

We went to the Renaissance Festival out in Apache Junction yesterday. I visited a psychic while I was there. For the record, she said both my sons would marry, although the younger would do it before the elder. They each will eventually have two children, but I won't be a grandmother for at least another 5 years. This will be a good year for me, one of great change and improvement. No specific mention of a new, appropriate male in my life. Huh. We'll just see, won't we.

It was a busy week. I pulled a muscle in my side last Sundaywhile sorting junk in the family room, and by Monday morning it had stiffened up so much I couldn't get dressed. So, used a sick day on Monday to nurse my sore ribs and side. Tuesday through Thursday went okay at work, and the pain subsided.

Thursday was St. Patrick's Day, and I'd already put in for a vacation day for Friday. Yes, I've finally learned not to try to work the next day. Ms. Kat was once again the blessed Designated Driver. We'd planned a prolonged pub crawl, but there are only so many hours in an evening. We wound up hitting just three places. At the second place, we ran into some nurses from a local hospital who were a hoot. Otherwise, it was a lot of twenty-somethings out to drink and check each other out. I couldn't find a good Irish band to save my sanity. We wrapped up the evening at our regular karaoke hangout. Got in a couple of songs and another pitcher of beer, and my friend poured me home.

Slept through most of Friday, and thus the hangover I had undoubtedly earned. Got up to drive YS and his bosom buddies to the mall for a movie date. I'd forgotten I had an appointment for a massage, so dashed home to get the money and back up for the massage. Arrived home afterward, and realized Ms. Kat and I had planned to go to the Phoenix BBW Spring Fling karaoke night in Tempe. Okayyyyyyyyyy. No drinking though. There's been entirely too much of that this week already.

The party was fun, although I drank so much Diet Coke I was hyped up on caffeine by midnight (12:30, maybe?) when we left. I got to be the driver this time, since it was a non-alcoholic evening for me. Ms. Kat had had her own challenges during the day, and was grateful not to have to drive anymore. Anyway, I saw friends I hadn't seen for a while, danced like a wild woman with the other over 40 broads, and sang my heart out. No sleeping, though. Ugh! Caffeine.

Up at 7 yesterday to dress for the Renn Faire (Yes, we dress). Took OS's car because we were five in our party, and my little Nissan wouldn't hold us all. Poor kid had a flat (thank goodness we were in walking distance to the front gate) on the way there, and wound up spending an hour with his vehicle while we made a dash for the Festival and the privies.

It rained on and off, which you might think would make for a muddy mire at the fairgrounds. No. That dirt is so hard packed, it doesn't have a prayer of sinking in. Only the top eighth of an inch gets damp. I draped a shawl over the top of my big straw hat and made quite a good rain shelter. No anachronistic umbrella for me. No sir!

Once we met the rest of the group for our annual photo, we all split up to wander on our own. YS and his GF nuzzled and snuggled their way around. OS finally showed up and found places to shoot arrows and throw axes. Ms. Kat and I tried to stay together, but her poor knees could only take so much walking. She cut me loose to nose around at my own pace, while she looked at what she was interested in at hers.

Bought some "skin cure" ointment at an herbal apothecary, a turkey leg, funnel cake, and three raspberry chocolates to take home. Watched a few shows and a joust, and cruised the various shops. Walked MILES. It was all good for me.

After we dropped Kat off at her place, we stopped at home so we could switch cars. OS left for his martial arts club. I don't know how he kept moving, after short sleep the night before, tire changing and lots of walking. He did, though. Was I that energetic at 20?

I jumped in my car with YS and his beloved to drive her home. Met her mom, finally. Pretty lady, and much younger than I. She doesn't speak much English, and my Spanish is spotty, so we didn't get much past mucho gusto, but at least we've looked in each other's eyeballs. I feel better now. Wonder if she does.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Hey, I have FEELINGS, too!

The Emotional IQ Test
How People-Smart Are You?

Sue, your Emotional IQ is 131.

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Tickle's Emotional IQ test. But your Emotional IQ score is much more than just a number: it's an indicator of success.

Research has shown that people with high emotional intelligence scores — not necessarily those with the highest IQ scores — tend to be the most valued and productive employees and have the longest and happiest romantic relationships.

So, where are you most emotionally smart? Your test results show that your strongest suit is empathy — your ability to see things from someone else's point of view.

Take your own Tickle EIQ test.

The Relationship Color Test
What Shade of Love is Right for You?

Sue, your relationship color is Blue
This means that you tend to be a cooperative partner whose listening and negotiation skills are first rate. Above all, you seem to try to keep the lines of communication open between you and the one you love. In your mind, it's usually far better to talk about problems as they arise rather than sweeping them under the rug. For you to really feel connected to your special someone, it's important that they hear and understand you. Ordinarily, you'll return this courtesy tenfold by paying close attention to your partner's perspective when they have something to say.
People with compatible relationship colors tend to bring out the best in one another because their approach to relationships is harmonious. But if you're with someone whose relationship color clashes with yours, you're headed for more challenges than most.

Dueling Horoscopes

Your Week in Focus by John
Your Creative Side

You might get a little fraught in the communications department at the start of the week, SUZANNE, as Mars moves to oppose Saturn. Such an aspect is prone to creating obstacles, especially if you are traveling anywhere (Nope), if you are trying to settle legal issues (Nope), or if you want to get a contract signed
(Nope). This is only a temporary delay, but if you are in a hurry you could find yourself gnashing your teeth and biting your nails in frustration. Try and stay calm as the delay might even work in your favor.

There is also an emphasis on your love life, especially if you are looking for a date or keen to get into a light romance (Perk! Really?! NOW you have my attention!). Venus, the Sun, and Uranus all in this sector now bring you the chance to find a date with a difference. You don't want to move in the same old circles, and are keen to meet others who have a few original ideas that can excite and delight you (OKAY! Keep TALKIN'!).

Your creativity is going to be unleashed in new ways, and the New Moon on Thursday will bring with it a chance to let your artistic side out to play. (Wait! What about the date thing? Is that it?) Jupiter in Libra continues to encourage you to use your intuition as often as possible, and to keep a journal of your dreams. (Well, crap. Journal this.)


Scorpio Horoscope for 3/7 - 3/13

This week's scenario is highlighted by you being very alert and on your toes.
That is a good thing. (Oh really?)

The pace is likely to be fast, even hectic.

You are restless and eager to meet others halfway, to converse, exchange information, and make connections. (Does this tie in with the elusive dating thing in John's horoscope?)

Nervousness or irritability due to aggravations and the stress of increased demands at work is possible. (Nervousness and irritability due to aggravations and stress are always possible. Duh.)

It may be difficult to reason with loved ones now. (I live with adolescents. Again: Duh.)

A family member, sibling, relative, or mate could make your routine, everyday tasks seem a bit chaotic just now. (ditto)

All sorts of complications are possible either when communicating, traveling, or running errands for your loved ones.

You may get saddled with others' responsibilities now and then complain you are being taken advantage of. (Ack! DITTO!)

Petty disagreements can spoil the atmosphere in your domestic life. (DOH!)

If you have children, they may be very fussy and hard to please at this time. (Aw Jeez! Give me a break, will ya?)

This horoscope provided by Astrology Source. Learn about your inner self, friends, and lovers.

So? It's Sunday.

I signed up for yet another online matchmaking service. Okay, well...I filled out the questionnaire, I didn't pay anything...yet.

When will I learn that most men online are looking for a young, athletic, sex-starved camping and NASCAR watching partner? You can't be fat, you can't be smarter, you can't be non-athletic or not want to sleep with their dog in the bed. You must also be willing to drive to his house and provide sex on demand, before or after going to the game. Or better yet, watch the game on TV with him, and then roll joyfully into bed. I'd say I was bitter, except I keep trying...

Hope springs eternal. What man wants my fat, snoring, brilliant ass for a long-term relationship? Hello? Are you out there? (knock, knock, knock on your monitor)

I'm going over to visit my late, great friend's widower this afternoon. He is still, after six months, sitting in his house with his dog, smoking cigarettes and watching TV. When he can't sleep, he goes to the local casino to play poker (and WINS). He chews on his grief like jerky...working it over and over until all the flavor is gone, but never swallowing it and finishing the job. He is my friend, and I love his pathetic ass, even though he makes it really difficult. Every time I think, "why do I bother?" I see my girlfriend looking at me, pleading, "Take care of him...I can't any more." So, I'll go and keep being his friend.

How Smart Am I?

Congratulations, Sue!
Your IQ score is 140

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Scientific IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.

Try taking your own test at:

This is simply proof that even "Visionary Philosophers" do dumb stuff.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Another Thursday

Almost every Thursday I'm dead meat, because almost every Wednesday night I go sing karaoke. You'd think I'd learn. I guess it must be worth it. The lack of sleep hasn't stopped the activity yet.

Kat and I were both ambivalent about going out last night. "You want to?" "I don't know. Do you want to?" So we did.

Gentleman Jim was fighting the technology again last night. Looked like one of the other DJ's from during the week had taken out discs, or moved them around, or something. That really slows down the action in a karaoke club. Ugh. Plus, he was all keyed up again. I wonder what kind of speed he takes. He says he has narcolepsy, and has to take meds to keep him from falling asleep standing up, so he can work. I don't know--he gets pretty manic up there. Talks so fast you can't understand what he's saying.

So, it got to be about 11 p.m., and K wanted to go. I stayed a little longer, because I had two more songs left on the list to sing. What the heck. In for a penny, in for a pound. Today at work was going to be zombie time, anyway.

We need to find a new place to go, though. Every week, the same people; the same song selection, the same damn DJ. And no eligible men, either. Well, if you want your man to have teeth and a few brain cells left, anyway.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Lost Week

So here I am again, after hiding from my computer for a week.

We celebrated YS's 17th birthday (went to see Million Dollar Baby and out to dinner at Red Lobster), enjoyed the honors assembly at his high school (he's top kid in his class again this year), and sent off a birthday gift to Niece in Parker, CO.

Exciting, huh?

Yeah. That's why I didn't bother writing about it every day.
So, tonight is karaoke night with Ms. Kat and whoever else bothers to show up. I need to pick some new songs to try. If I'm getting bored singing them, I can imagine how the people listening feel.

Monday, February 21, 2005

So, I'm CURIOUS....

From Tickle - now defunct

Suzanne, your subconscious mind is driven most by Curiosity

This means you are full of questions about life, people, and the potential of your future. You spend more time than others envisioning the possibilities of your life — things that others are too afraid to consider.

Your curiosity burns with an almost physical need to know and do more. It's only through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself or the world — which ultimately is the greatest way for you to feel satisfied.

It is possible that the underlying reason for your drive towards curiosity is a deeply rooted fear of boredom. That means that you are probably more susceptible than others to feel like you're falling into a rut when life slows down into a comfortable routine.

You need to make sure you have stimulation in your life — that makes you feel like you're innovating or being exposed to the ideas and experiences that truly inspire you.

With such a strong orientation towards curiosity, you're also prone to a rebellious quality that shows up when you feel you are just going through the motions, and are unable to really influence the world around you. But interestingly enough, your drive towards novel experiences also indicates an openness others don't have, but wish they did.

Unconsciously, your curiosity presses you to learn more, experience more, and get the most out of life.
Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Curiosity, there is much more to who you are at your core.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


Strange week--stressful, technology challenges. The Computer Gods apparently thought I was getting too big for my britches...everything seems to be working at least adequately, now.

Got a new stereo for the living room. Have given up on component systems--went with a cheapie RCA 160 watt cd/cassette stereo. YS helped me set it up this afternoon. DUST! Yikes! The bunnies are taking over and I can't stop sneezing.

Did the 5k Heart Walk yesterday and finished in fairly good shape. Not as well as I did two years ago, but I've been sitting on my ass and overeating for the past year. I was toting 20 more lbs. on my body, and about 10 lbs in my pockets and around me neck. In the rain. Sometimes, I wonder how stupid I'm going to get as I age.

Time to play a few rounds of Jewel Quest, listen to CDs on the new stereo and then go in and watch a movie in my room.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Listening to...

Sheri Kling, Let it Unfold

My brother sent me this CD for Christmas, and I'm just now listening to it. And loving it. I love the quality and tone of her voice, the clear guitar work and the lyrics.

So Sweet...

Well, the evening the boys planned for their young ladies went off beautifully. I wound up spending most of the day chasing around trying to find red roses a 16 year old could afford and a big cookie shaped like a heart with YS's best friend while YS stayed home and prepared the dinner.

I must say, though, if anyone had done for me, at that age, what these young men did for those girls, I would have melted into a big puddle of loving goo. The hell with that, if any man went to this kind of trouble for my pleasure without my asking for it now, I'd feel like the most cherished woman on earth. These young men are terrific, and I hope the girls appreciate them.

All the mess they cleared out of the living room to make it a lovely setting, however, now resides in the middle of my family room. They were going to put it back for me, but I'm hoping the irritation factor of having under foot all the time will inspire me to clean it up. In fact, I think I'll go throw a load in the washer and see what kind of headway I can make this afternoon. WaHOO!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Rain, Rain, and MORE Rain!

Quick! Buy a boat! It's raining in the desert!

No kidding, we've gotten a LOT a rain this winter. I keep wandering the house looking at the ceilings to make sure we're not leaking again. Looks like everything is tight, so far, though.

Kat's been working on my Renn Faire costume all week. Cool! Don't need it until mid-March, but it's nice to know it's coming along. It's so good of her to do this for me.

YS and his best friend want to cook dinner for their girlfriends here this evening for their Valentine's surprise. I think that's a lovely idea, so long as they clean up afterward. In their fiscal condition, they can provide a much nicer meal here than they could afford at a restaurant. Afterward, he talked about going out for ice cream and coffee. My boy is SO smart!

Guess that leaves OS and I out in the rain, so to speak. We may go to dinner and a movie together later on. We could use the time out of the house, for sure.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Wednesday Morning

I was all ready to go to work, went to see how YS was doing, and he was STILL IN BED! Couldn't have anything to do with going to the basketball game with his friends last night, could it? I knew it was a bad idea to let him go, but his girlfriend was supposed to be cheering, and he really wanted to go. Pffft.

Need to go find my hardhat for work today.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

My Domain

At Last! I did something today I've wanted to do for the past 7 years--registered a web domain name and set up for web hosting. This is the first giant step in putting my grand plan into motion. Now, I'll have to devote some time to making it a showcase.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sunday Evening

Got my rug! When we got to the Swap Meet, the one I'd seen was gone, but one I like even BETTER was there for the same price! Yayyy! Got my rug! Even the boys approve. Can you tell I'm pleased?

Lee DIDN'T show up, but it wasn't 'cause of football, so I didn't give Kat $5. Bought her some cotton candy, instead. :o) Apparently, his home was plumbing challenged all day today. He invited me to come over this evening for pizza, but I told him that if he hasn't had a shower in two days, I'd just as soon pass.

Got myself a pair of small gold hoop earrings at the Swap, too. The guy wanted $30, but I said I didn't need hollow 10k gold for $30. He said $25, I said $20. Apparently, he wanted to sell the earrings more than I needed to buy them. So, I have new earrings.

So, what do YOU think is the best Super Bowl commercial this year? I'm liking the Anheuser Busch ads, myself. The game isn't over yet, so we'll see.

Busy Sunday

Gotta go get clean (scrape off the stink, as Wally so beautifully puts it), because Kat and I have a busy day ahead.

First we're off to the Swap Meet to pick up the rug I found two weeks ago (but had no money for) for the family room. Hope it's still there. The colors are just right. I don't know if she wants to wander around there and shop, too. Then we head back to my place to put the rug on the actual floor where it will live (that just sounds wrong, very Bob Ross), and put the bed rails I'm giving her in the Blazer.

Then, we head to downtown Glendale for the Chocolate Affaire....YUMMMMMMMMM!

We have both been informed by significant others to lay off the chocolate, so we will be falling head first into ANYthing that looks wonderful. F*&k those rude men for saying such a mean thing.

My trucker buddy Lee said he'd meet up with us there in the late afternoon (after having to beg off our date last night for lack of sleep). Kat bet me $5 he doesn't show due to football. I told her I'd buy her a chocolate candy apple. Either way, we'll be happy...

You Wonder Why I Do This?

You Are a Life Blogger!
Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.
If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible.

Well At Least It's a Year I Lived Through...

You Belong in 1963

If you scored...

1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!

1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.

1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all!

1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.

1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!

Different Stars? What's up?

Scorpio Horoscope for 2/07 - 2/13
This week's scenario is highlighted by teamwork and cooperation in your romantic and social life. (John said my home stuff was in transition)

Love relationships and friendships are kept on an even keel by demonstrating patience and diplomacy during this time. (And any other damn time, for Pete's sake)

Your leisure activities may change for the better or will most likely be more interesting than they have previously been. (I most sincerely look forward to this)

This period can be a stimulus to creative work or thoughts. (This must be where the other guy got the idea about redecorating and remodeling)

You may also win the support of someone who can benefit you financially or in a particular area of talent or expertise you possess. (Okay, tell me more. I'm liking this.)

Combining your creative abilities or intellectual ideas with others can result in a moneymaking enterprise or fortunate partnership for you. (Yeah, this too. I like the moneymaking thing)

This horoscope provided by Astrology Source.
Learn about your inner self, friends, and lovers.

Get your free blog ready horoscope for this week at

The Stars Say...

Your Week in Focus by John

What is a Home?

There seems to be plenty happening on the home front at this time, SUZANNE, which may bring about new adventures and new openings. (YaYYY!) Perhaps you are thinking of moving (NO! NO NO NO! DO NOT want to MOVE!), which might bring many new options your way and give you a lot more freedom to do other things. The Sun conjuncts Jupiter on Monday, perfect for all kinds of explorations into new territory. Use your intuition if you come across a deal or an offer that sounds great. But don't sign anything on Tuesday as Mercury also conjuncts Neptune - so wait a few days and be sure to understand what you are getting involved with. There is also a New Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday which is great for all new beginnings, especially if you want to move, settle in, redecorate your abode (Now, THIS would be okay), or do a bit of remodeling (The plumbing in the kitchen DOES need work). You have two weeks to get going, but be assured that your project will blossom alongside the waxing Moon herself. Mercury trines Jupiter on Thursday, which opens even more doors, so look out for those coincidental meetings that have so much to offer. The weekend may be intense, just as you like it, as the Sun and Mercury sextile Pluto. A time of transformation if you wish it to be so (Oh for Pete's sake! My whole LIFE is a time of transformation!)!

Need more info? Contact John with your personal question

Friday, February 04, 2005

White Trash

I am 16% White Trash.
Not at all White Trashy!
I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Kat's birthday party at the karaoke bar was fun, if lightly attended. Everyone ate (and liked, for heaven's sake!) the Very Pink Cherry Cake. The rotation was short, so I sang a LOT. The DJ was technically challenged, for some reason. He's done it before (LOTS) so I don't know what his problem was. He was manic, and the listings in the books didn't match the CDs he was using. Oh well. I had fun anyway.

Didn't get to sleep until after one, and was up at 6:30 to head out to work. Needless to say, it's dinner and night-night for me this evening.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Good was a good day.

Today, we got our incentive checks at work. It turned out to be more than I expected. What a nice feeling!

After lunch, a reporter from the local NBC affiliate was interviewing people in the Center where my office building is located. She asked what I thought George W. was going to talk about in his State of the Union message, and what I WANTED him to talk about. I told her it didn't much matter, because I likely would not agree with whatever he has to say anyway. In the end, we wound up talking about Social Security issues. I was on the evening news. Cool! I hollered, and YS came out of his room just in time to see a fleeting glimpse of Mom's face on the tube. At least I sounded like I knew what I was talking about. I hate it when I look like an idiot all over the whole State.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Who eats Cherry CAKE?

Tomorrow is Kat's birthday, and it's karaoke night, so I thought I'd bring a cake for everyone to share. When asked, she said her favorite cake is cherry, with cherry icing. What the hell is that? No bakery in town will bake a cherry cake for me. I don't mind baking a cake from a mix, but they never look right. Well, I guess I'll just have to do my best and smile a lot.

Had a talk with YS this evening as we were putting groceries away. Talked about chores (or insufficient conduct thereof) and calling to let me know where he is. He seems to think I'm being unreasonable, but acquiesced. We'll see how we do. I don't want to circumscribe him, but I have to know where he is and who he's with. It's my job. The MOM job. It's important.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Monday, Monday

Not a bad day at all. Got a lot of work done on customer satisfaction survey trends and got the executive summary finished. You may not care about that, but it means a lot to me.

Guilty pleasure dept: The Entertainer. Yes, it's yet another American Idol ripoff. I don't care. I can't help watching the damn thing. Just like I can't help watching American Idol. I may go to hell for this. On the other hand, there are so many things I'll probably go to hell for, what's one more?

Sunday, January 30, 2005


I joined Friendster a while ago, but never really did anything with it.

Today, they sent me a reminder, and I went in and updated my profile and so on. I discovered that about 4 people in my address book were already in there, so I sent out some invitations to be "my friend". It should be interesting to see what, if any, responses I get.

Actually, a friend of mine who moved back east a couple of years ago responded. I was glad to hear from him and know that he is doing better. We've chatted occasionally since he left, but he's been through a lot of turmoil and change, and it's been a while since we connected. If only for that, I'm glad I did the Friendster thing.

Foolishness for the week ahead

Sun Sign: Scorpio
Rising Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Sign: Monkey
Life Path Number: 1
Scorpio Horoscope for 1/24 - 1/30
This week's scenario is highlighted by the manner in which you present yourself and relate to others, it may upset the status quo.

You are remarkably more independent, rebellious, iconoclastic, or selfish.
(Whoa! Me?)

Impatient with endless compromising or accommodating others, you are apt to just do whatever you feel like doing!
(I understand the urge, but I have better self-control than this)

On the other hand, those in your immediate environment may be changing just as rapidly and forcing you to cope with some surprises or unexpected twists and turns.
(Okay, how is this different from any other time?)

A general sense of excitement coupled with insecurity and uncertainty colors this entire time.
(Welcome to my life. Ain't change fun?)

You suddenly may decide to relocate.
(HELL no!)

Carefully check out this impulse because your discontent may not be eased by a change in locale.

This horoscope provided by Astrology Source.

Learn about your inner self, friends, and lovers.

Get your free blog ready horoscope for this week at

Saturday, January 29, 2005

It's Raining...

And it's been raining almost all frigging day. So much for sorting through stuff on the patio. The most I did was go out there and kick it closer to the house so it doesn't get wet. Have I mentioned that I live in the DESERT!?

Did manage to get a couple of loads of wash done, anyway. Also watched two DVD's, cuz TV on Saturdays sucks. "Brotherhood of the Wolf" and "The 25th Hour". First one was enjoyable crap, the second was pretty good.

OS cooked a huge breakfast for all of us. It was lunchtime when we ate it, but, hey, the kid did a good job, and thought of someone besides himself. One must be encouraged, mustn't one?

Took some more ibuprofen and sudafed, and the headache has subsided for a while. Maybe I'll call Kat and see what she's up to.
Saturday morning, and I've been up since 7. WHY do I do that? I could sleep until noon, but I get up with the sun. Of course, if I stayed in bed, I'd likely stay there all damn day. In the long run, it'll be more productive to wander the house before the boys wake up.

Can't start laundry because OS left his clean stuff in the dryer last night. If it's still in there by 9, though, all bets are off. I'm going to gather it up and dump it in his room. I have a LOT Of dirty clothes to get clean, and it's going to take a while.

Other than the laundry and lunch with an old friend tomorrow, my weekend is clear. That's probably a good thing.

This sinusitis is NOT going away. The headache ebbs and flows, but the pressure in my face and ears stays. I know, I know: "Why doesn't she just go to the doctor?" Because you call the doctor when you're feeling miserable, and they can't see you for a day or two, and your condition will likely have changed by then anyway. Because I haven't run a fever through this whole thing, and if it was an infection there would have been a fever (right?). Because you sit for a half hour in the waiting room (getting up and down as the receptionist calls you back repeatedly to provide insurance cards and fill out forms) to be seen by the doctor for 15 minutes. Because I have to take time off from work to do it, and I don't want to burn my PTO on what might turn out to be allergies-and-you-just-have-to-live-with-it. That's why. But, after two weeks of this, I will likely just have to break down and go.

Maybe, if I get really ambitious, I'll go out on the patio and sort through some more of the stuff we took out of the shed. Maybe.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

I would have posted yesterday, but spent most of it unconscious in bed, due to sinusitis. Uck. Don't smoke. Don't ever smoke. I quit 5 years ago, but I still suffer the consequences. Dang! This hurts!

Still haven't managed to connect with the neglected Auntie. I'm so bad. Will call on the free cell phone long distance this weekend--I PROMISE!

Dinner's cooking, and the day proved survivable. Not too bad a way to end a Thursday.

More later.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

What's today? Is today Tuesday? Holy Crap!

It's a month since Christmas...I didn't send my aunt a birthday card, when I usually send a gift. I called this evening in the car on the way home from work and got her voicemail. Crap. Crap, crap, crap. It was yesterday, for cripe's sake, and I knew it was yesterday. The thought ran through my head all day yesterday, "Call Pam, send Pam an e-mail at something!" But NOOOOO!

Just what my life was lacking--something new to feel guilty about.


Sunday, January 23, 2005

Please find your Free Weekly Horoscope Service for January 24 to 30.
Your Week in Focus by John

Stay Cool

Mercury and Venus in Capricorn are doing you a lot of favors, SUZANNE, and enabling you to make contact with those who really can help. But don't overdo a good thing on Monday when Venus squares Jupiter. You may come across as too sickeningly sweet or even simpering, which would be quite tragic for a Scorpio. There is a Full Moon in Leo on Tuesday, which highlights your career and puts you in the spotlight. Hopefully you will do wonderful things to help others on this day and bring praise and adoration your way. You don't need any more dramas, especially those which highlight your worst points - so behave and take it easy. On Thursday Venus opposes Saturn, which is great for business if you can keep your cool and not take everything to heart. Still, you may nevertheless feel sad and a touch melancholy. It will wear off, and the influence is best used for getting your bearings and being realistic. Friday needs very careful handling from your perspective as you could easily flip concerning your favorite subject - money - and do something wild that you might just regret. Stay calm, breath deeply and deal with upsets sweetly and oh-so-nicely.

Guess this means going back on my meds was a good idea, after all.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Which Six Feet Under Family Member Are You Most Like?

Nathaniel Fisher Senior

Well obviously, you are not dead yet, but if you were you would be like Nathaniel. Leaving those you loved with the mystery of who you were. Since you are so distant from those you love a lot is left unsaid.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz

Oh Bull Feathers!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Say farewell to the week from hell,
I know I'll try to forget it.
New job, new work;
Mind fights through murk;
It'll stress me out
if I let it.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Time to leave for work...ACK! Where does the time go? A good night's rest will likely help deal with another busy day...I live in hope.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

In 1956 (the year you were born)

Dwight Eisenhower is president of the US (uh huh)

101 Southern Congressmen call for massive resistance to the Supreme Court desegregation rulings (how embarrassing for the rest of us white people)

Italian liner Andrea Doria collides with Swedish liner Stockholm and sinks of Nantucket Island (this was, like, RIGHT around my birthday)

An anti-Communist revolt in Hungary is crushed by Soviet troops and tanks (sheesh! what a lot of fun the world was having)

Suez crisis occurs in the Middle East (ditto)

Elvis Presley enters the music charts for the first time, with "Heartbreak Hotel". (ho hum)

Mel Gibson, Bill Maher, Joe Montana, Tom Hanks, and Larry Bird born (at least I'm in good company)

New York Yankees win the World Series (BFD)

New York Giants win the NFL championship (ditto)

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup (double ditto)

Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg is published (this is kinda cool)

Elvis Presley appears on The Ed Sullivan Show (No hips for YOU!)

The Price is Right game show premieres (and the sucker is still going--just like me!)

What Happened the Year You Were Born?

More cool things for your blog at

Guess what! ANOTHER semi-hellish day. The computer gods have been frowning on me ever since I dared move into the new cube.

Got home, called Kat to beg off karaoke tonight, cooked and ate dinner. This is it before I go get horizontal for the night. Cripes! Hope I sleep better than I have the past few nights. Life change is so trying!
My hair is getting so long, that if I want to wash it in the morning before work, I have to get up 45 minutes early. After my semi-hellish day at work yesterday, all I wanted to do when I got home was eat and go to bed. So, no hair washing. And it needed it.

Up at 5:45 this morning to un-ick the tresses. Sometimes I wish I didn't like having long hair so much. On the one hand, I don't have to wash it every day. On the other, when I do have to wash it, it's a project.

After 20 years with almost boy-short hair, it's nice to have that girly feel around my head. You get tired of being practical, you know?

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Scorpio Horoscope for 1/17- 1/23
This week's scenario is highlighted by you really going out of your way for loved ones. (so what else is new?)

You become more generous, helpful, and concerned with the people you care about. (I guess someone is going to need my BLOOD, now)

You take pride in your abilities to support, nurture, and protect your mate, children, and family. (Pride? Yes, I suppose.)

Others will not overlook your good deeds now. (Lordy, I hope not.)

Similarly, you make a significant impression or an impact on the lives of those in your care, resulting in greater loyalty and closeness in your domestic life. (They love me, they really love me!)

Your enthusiasm and knowledge can draw new people and experiences into your life now. (NOW you're talkin'! Bring on the NEW people! This old bunch can be tedious.)

Get your free blog ready horoscope for this week at

Whoa! Long weekend, lotta shtuff.

Friday, as promised, worked with OS to drag everything out of the shed. That left everything (minus the dumpsterload we threw away) on the patio. Worked about 3 hours going through things, but it still looked like a bomb went off out there.

Saturday, sinuses...Ugh. Went to bed with Vicks, sudafed and a heating pad. Really PO'd OS, as he thought I was being lazy. TT, as we said in the old days.

Got up Sunday raring to go. Maybe all the crud we disturbed got up in my head and that's what made me sick on Saturday? Whatever, friend Kat came over to keep me company while I sorted and filled plastic bins. I have so many photos! If I ever go through them all, it will be quite an impressive collection of albums to share with posterity. Right now, they're a bunch of colored pieces of paper in plastic bins. Realized about 2:30 (after OS asked, "Weren't you supposed to go work for Gwen today?") that I had completely spaced out an afternoon of computer application support work I'd promised a friend. Thank goodness she was goodnatured about it, AND I had another day off to go do what I'd promised. I hate it when stuff falls out the holes in my brain.

So, Monday, off I went to the home inspection company to upgrade their software and do further report customization. Discovered they have several versions of the same d-base operating on three different, non-networked computers...NOT a good thing when one is planning to export results to accounting software. Must come up with a fix. (insert sound of head banging on desk here)

Tuesday! Today! First day in my new office! ACK! Computer keeps dropping its network connection, the scanner isn't showing as hooked up to any of my applications, IS Field techs didn't get all the software for the Palm installed, so it won't update. The new admin started today, so I was running back and forth between our work stations all day. If ever I needed my network to work, this was the day.

I don't know what the fix was, but the lan connection now seems to be stable again, although every network application is running really slowly. When a tech finally shows up to fix the problem that no longer exists, I'll have them see if they can take care of the others I've discovered since my original contact.

I'm beat, and going home.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

You Are 27 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Ain't this sweet? Actually, I'm probably YOUNGER than this on most days...this may just be an average of my "old" days and "kid" days.
Today's the big day; moving into the new office. Well, moving my stuff out of the old office and into the new office so the new admin, "V", will have a clear space to arrange the way she wants it when she gets here on Tuesday. I'm off tomorrow, so I must get everything done today.

Since I won't be here tomorrow, I'll also need to complete the analysis on the department customer satisfaction survey before I leave. That shouldn't take too long. We have a really good online survey tool the company uses. The analysis items can be set up ahead of time, and then, when you have all your responses, you just run the analysis, and you get your reports. There are a few things about it I'd change (if they asked me, I'd tell 'em! :) ), but it has saved me a tremendous amount of grunt work on this year's survey. Things I spent days on last year are only taking hours to complete. Ain't technology grand?