Thursday, October 27, 2005

Zippity Doo Dah

Laundry's done, hair's re-colored, and I'm headed to the nail salon for fills after work this afternoon. Nothing like artificial enhancement of one's person to lift the spirits!

Karaoke last night at MOM's was fun..just me, Kat and NYM. Got to sing three songs I'm working on for the music group. It was flattering that people got up to dance. Of course, they were mostly pretty drunk, but still...

Speaking of the music group, we didn't have a drummer at the last meeting. We seem to have finally settled on about 25 songs we're really going to work on. I loaded them on a cheap little MP3 player I can listen to at work and plug into my car stereo system, and listen to them over and over. I'm not sure, but I think I ran a red light last night while belting "Walking In Memphis" at the top of my lungs down 51st Avenue. Gotta watch that.

Friday, October 21, 2005


Somehow, I thought when the weather cooled off a bit, I'd be more energetic. This is not proving to be the case.
There are so many projects I should be taking up now, and I'm not doing any of them.
In addition, I've put back on 30 of the 50 lbs I lost two-three years ago, and that probably is not helping the situation at all. Ugh.
The question is, how can I self motivate to get the ball rolling? Once I'm on the move, I tend to keep going for at least a while. Momentum works. Where can one find it?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Just Another Wednesday

We had a fire drill today, but didn't evacuate our building (20 stories in downtown Phoenix). It was just to test the equipment. The sirens went for about 15 minutes, which would ordinarily drive me out of my mind. We had been given earplugs, though, so even though we could still hear them, it didn't seem so loud.

Otherwise, the day has been uneventful. I've been working on a portion of our department's website that is supposed to be ready for a roll-out next Tuesday. As long as everyone involved gets their material to me in time, no problem. I keep getting things formatted and published as I receive them.

Tonight is karaoke with the gang. Instead of our usual hangout, we're going up to the place where we usually go dancing on Saturday nights. Some of my friends have been there for karaoke, and say it is really good. Okay, we'll see.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Good Weekend

Great visit from Auntie #2 and her elder son and his fiancee yesterday! Only thing more I could wish for would be MORE TIME!

Took a mental health day (with Boss's hooky) on Friday. Saturday morning went for massage at the massage school with Kat (2 for 1 works out to $16 apiece on student clinic days). Oh boy, was that good!

Quiet evening at home with NYM on Saturday night. I was still fried from the birthday party we went to on Friday night. Oh yeah. If a little beer is good, lots of beer should be GREAT, right? I just want to know who attempted to remove the top of my head during the night...

Busted butt cleaning on Sunday a.m. so the house would be at least presentable (not home and garden presentable--health department presentable) for Auntie's visit.

Had another large and loud disagreement with YS about household obligations and who owes whom respect and so on. He is once again without internet and phone in his room, allowance, and rides to school for himself and Beloved. I wonder how long it will take for him to come around.