This spring has been really bad for my weight loss program. Not having the head together means not getting the body together.
Ever since my meds were changed last summer, binge eating has been a problem. Makes me wish I could go back to what I was taking then, but since we stopped because the old mood disorder was flaring mightily, that's likely not a solution.
Right now, I'm trying to battle my way through on sheer knowledge and will power. Not easy. In fact, it's damned difficult.
I checked an online BMR calculator, and it comes up about 1600 calories a day. That means eating around 1100-1200 calories a day plus doing a bit of exercise to lose. I know I can do the low-cal thing. Tricking myself into doing exercise will be the more challenging piece. Both at once? Hmmmmmmmm....
I've been making jewelry again, the past two weekends. This is the new stuff posted on Facebook yesterday.
Wish me light eating and good sales.
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago