The day started with a trip to the optometrist's office to pick up YS's new glasses and have my new contact check up. Both went great, and YS gave me a big hug outside the office because he was so happy seeing better and looking good. It was a great moment to be a mom.
At 1 p.m. there was a rehearsal of the new music group forming of folks who work at my company. Mostly guitarists, so they welcomed another singer. I told them I'm a karaoke singer, not a musician, but they said it was mostly for fun and not to worry about it. The idea is, eventually, to entertain at company events and maybe charity things.
Two other women showed up to sing, and we got along well. We didn't sound too bad, either! One of them REALLY struck me as someone I'd like to know better, so I invited her to join me and Kat and the gang for dancing and fun tonight at My Ole Man's. It'll be neat if she shows up.
Now I'm dressed and waiting for Kat to pick me up. She's the ringleader for tonight, so we're going just a little early to make sure there are tables and seats for everyone. Yay! This should be fun!