Drove YS and Beloved to school this morning. Then headed for Wally World to get dryer sheets. Of course, spent $40 on other stuff (DID remember the dryer sheets, but forgot to get honey, and now own FOUR wire whisks). Managed to get home under my own power, but I'm paying for it now. Feels a bit like I've been punched in the gut, or did about 2500 sit ups yesterday. Very sore abs.
Post Op check up at surgeon's office tomorrow. I'm going to tell him I'm not ready for work yet. If I can hold off until Monday, I know I'll be in shape to work, not just show up.
It's difficult to write scintillating prose when nothing is happening in my life.
Uh, let's see...I opened a new charge account to transfer an old balance at 0% interest for the next year. Maybe I can get the dang thing paid down this way. I've been paying $90 a month in interest for more than a year. Yikes! No WONDER it's taking so long to pay it off!
Decided not to refi the house again, if I can do without it. I'll never get this interest rate again, and don't want to pay fees and closing costs again. "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get."
Just have to exercise self-restraint and only pay the credit card, not use it. I can do it, I can do it, I CAN do it!
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago
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