Sheesh! Almost three weeks without posting. I'm torn between feeling guilty and "screw you". It isn't like anyone but me reads this stuff anyway, Right?
Still, a recurring dysfunction between me and any journal I've ever attempted to keep in my life reappears in this electronic context. I burn out on it. I fry. I give up. Or, as YS is wont to say, my "goldfish attention span" kicks in.
Of course, he usually uses that expression when we're walking through the mall, in the midst of a conversation, and we pass a fine jewelry store. Sparkly Things! Ooooooooh! I can't be held responsible for losing my train of thought in the face of hundreds of carats of diamonds and acres of pretty gold and platinum. Mama taught me to appreciate these little bits of glittering joy, and By Golly, for once I'm following through on some of Mama's advice.
Anyway, NYM has proven very persistent. Thus, we are now dating. We talk on the phone 3 to 4 times a day, which seems excessive to me. I've explained I'm not a "phone person", but that does not deter him. So, if I run out of stuff to say, I tell him so, and say a warm goodbye and TTYL. Again, he doesn't seem to mind. Is ANYone really this easygoing? Only time will tell.
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago
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