Thursday, January 06, 2011

Still at it in the new year

Another long pause...

I thought I was long out of the Forest of Crazy, but stuff just keeps cropping up. It isn't disabling, but it is disconcerting.

Poundage has returned--not all of it, but enough to make me physically uncomfortable. That's partly because I refuse to buy larger clothes. Why humor this damn fat? I will be cruel to it; perhaps that will help hurry it on its way now that I'm paying attention again to what goes in my mouth.

1 comment:

  1. We refuse to come out of the Forest of Crazy, Sue, because it's so darn much fun! Where else could you meet such interesting people? Where else could you find such amiable friends but in the Grove of that a word? Where else could you find a plea for a comment on my own blog, dedicated to crazy...and do at least put elastic in the waist of your pants. I did.
