If not for karaoke with Ms. Kat tonight, I'd have nothing but dread for today.
Yesterday, after lunch, I got very sick to my stomach, and had to keep running to the bathroom. After about two hours of that, I gave up and went home.
When I got home, I threw the chicken that was defrosted in the fridge into the oven so the boys would have something to eat for dinner; then fell into bed and conked out.
YS called about 4 to let me know he was at Beloved's house. He called again around 5 to tell me he wanted to eat dinner there. I told him he wasn't to walk home alone after dark, and that I wanted him to be home by 6:30 so it was still light out when he walked home. He said dinner wouldn't be ready that early, so I said he wouldn't be able to stay for dinner. He hung up on me, and by almost 7 p.m., still wasn't home. I called him on Beloved's phone, and told him to come home NOW, that he was in trouble because he had defied me.
While he was walking home, I went in his room and disconnected his internet and removed the cordless phone from his room. He was furious when he arrived, and so was I. Beloved let me know later, via IM, that her mother would've driven him home after dinner, and she told him to call me and tell me, but he wouldn't. So, there's a price to pay for pride, I guess.
We are now in a battle of wills, and I'm not giving in. He has three criteria to meet to get his internet connection and phone back: be home today by 6:30, do his chores, and speak to me politely if he speaks to me at all. We'll see what happens.
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago