The good news: slept well last night and did the 1/2 hour 2 mile WATP routine first thing this morning.
The bad news: between my very low-cal early day and the very-high cal swim party/bbq in honor of a member's birthday, I consumed ~3900 calories (more than two days' worth--oy).
Well, it was a lot of fun with neat people I don't get to see very often. Shana's been made an honorary part of the group, so she'll probably join me when we have activities. Not all of them are as rich-food driven as this one was. For instance, these were the "Saucy Wenches" who entered and performed in the Salsa Challenge to raise money for the Hemophilia Association. There was a lot of physical work involved, and we forgot to eat because it got so busy. Boy! Last night sure evened THAT out.
GrandDaughter said farewell to GL last evening and is in the car returning to Albuquerque as I type. I have just a bit of laundry to bring to the nursing home with me. Don't know what her frame of mind will be. Certainly she'll be sad that GrandDaughter and the kids are gone, but how she'll feel about me, since I made her go back to the same nursing home and she was so mad about it before. Her memory being what it is, she may have forgotten that little set-to already.
Also don't know how she'll take the news that I won't be doing her laundry anymore. Everything depends on her mood at any given time. I'll have to choose the moment to tell her wisely. Once it's over, I'll feel better, even if she gets pissy with me.
Anyway, OS has a lot of his clothes in the dryer which were partially dry when I checked. They're running another cycle, and I'll put them in his hamper (if he isn't already up) so I can run GL's.
I'm pretty sweaty from my "workout" (It's pathetic how out of shape I've become), so will have to shower after the clothes are ready to go. It will be afternoon before I get over there. Since GL seems to have forgotten how to dial my phone number, I will call to let her know I'm coming.
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago
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