Well, the evening the boys planned for their young ladies went off beautifully. I wound up spending most of the day chasing around trying to find red roses a 16 year old could afford and a big cookie shaped like a heart with YS's best friend while YS stayed home and prepared the dinner.
I must say, though, if anyone had done for me, at that age, what these young men did for those girls, I would have melted into a big puddle of loving goo. The hell with that, if any man went to this kind of trouble for my pleasure without my asking for it now, I'd feel like the most cherished woman on earth. These young men are terrific, and I hope the girls appreciate them.
All the mess they cleared out of the living room to make it a lovely setting, however, now resides in the middle of my family room. They were going to put it back for me, but I'm hoping the irritation factor of having under foot all the time will inspire me to clean it up. In fact, I think I'll go throw a load in the washer and see what kind of headway I can make this afternoon. WaHOO!
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago
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