Not a bad day at all. Got a lot of work done on customer satisfaction survey trends and got the executive summary finished. You may not care about that, but it means a lot to me.
Guilty pleasure dept: The Entertainer. Yes, it's yet another American Idol ripoff. I don't care. I can't help watching the damn thing. Just like I can't help watching American Idol. I may go to hell for this. On the other hand, there are so many things I'll probably go to hell for, what's one more?
Monday, January 31, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
I joined Friendster a while ago, but never really did anything with it.
Today, they sent me a reminder, and I went in and updated my profile and so on. I discovered that about 4 people in my address book were already in there, so I sent out some invitations to be "my friend". It should be interesting to see what, if any, responses I get.
Actually, a friend of mine who moved back east a couple of years ago responded. I was glad to hear from him and know that he is doing better. We've chatted occasionally since he left, but he's been through a lot of turmoil and change, and it's been a while since we connected. If only for that, I'm glad I did the Friendster thing.
Today, they sent me a reminder, and I went in and updated my profile and so on. I discovered that about 4 people in my address book were already in there, so I sent out some invitations to be "my friend". It should be interesting to see what, if any, responses I get.
Actually, a friend of mine who moved back east a couple of years ago responded. I was glad to hear from him and know that he is doing better. We've chatted occasionally since he left, but he's been through a lot of turmoil and change, and it's been a while since we connected. If only for that, I'm glad I did the Friendster thing.
Foolishness for the week ahead
Sun Sign: Scorpio Rising Sign: Scorpio Chinese Sign: Monkey Life Path Number: 1 | |
Scorpio Horoscope for 1/24 - 1/30 | |
This week's scenario is highlighted by the manner in which you present yourself and relate to others, it may upset the status quo.
You are remarkably more independent, rebellious, iconoclastic, or selfish. (Whoa! Me?) Impatient with endless compromising or accommodating others, you are apt to just do whatever you feel like doing! (I understand the urge, but I have better self-control than this) On the other hand, those in your immediate environment may be changing just as rapidly and forcing you to cope with some surprises or unexpected twists and turns. (Okay, how is this different from any other time?) A general sense of excitement coupled with insecurity and uncertainty colors this entire time. (Welcome to my life. Ain't change fun?) You suddenly may decide to relocate. (HELL no!) Carefully check out this impulse because your discontent may not be eased by a change in locale. This horoscope provided by Astrology Source. Learn about your inner self, friends, and lovers. |
Saturday, January 29, 2005
It's Raining...
And it's been raining almost all frigging day. So much for sorting through stuff on the patio. The most I did was go out there and kick it closer to the house so it doesn't get wet. Have I mentioned that I live in the DESERT!?
Did manage to get a couple of loads of wash done, anyway. Also watched two DVD's, cuz TV on Saturdays sucks. "Brotherhood of the Wolf" and "The 25th Hour". First one was enjoyable crap, the second was pretty good.
OS cooked a huge breakfast for all of us. It was lunchtime when we ate it, but, hey, the kid did a good job, and thought of someone besides himself. One must be encouraged, mustn't one?
Took some more ibuprofen and sudafed, and the headache has subsided for a while. Maybe I'll call Kat and see what she's up to.
Did manage to get a couple of loads of wash done, anyway. Also watched two DVD's, cuz TV on Saturdays sucks. "Brotherhood of the Wolf" and "The 25th Hour". First one was enjoyable crap, the second was pretty good.
OS cooked a huge breakfast for all of us. It was lunchtime when we ate it, but, hey, the kid did a good job, and thought of someone besides himself. One must be encouraged, mustn't one?
Took some more ibuprofen and sudafed, and the headache has subsided for a while. Maybe I'll call Kat and see what she's up to.
Saturday morning, and I've been up since 7. WHY do I do that? I could sleep until noon, but I get up with the sun. Of course, if I stayed in bed, I'd likely stay there all damn day. In the long run, it'll be more productive to wander the house before the boys wake up.
Can't start laundry because OS left his clean stuff in the dryer last night. If it's still in there by 9, though, all bets are off. I'm going to gather it up and dump it in his room. I have a LOT Of dirty clothes to get clean, and it's going to take a while.
Other than the laundry and lunch with an old friend tomorrow, my weekend is clear. That's probably a good thing.
This sinusitis is NOT going away. The headache ebbs and flows, but the pressure in my face and ears stays. I know, I know: "Why doesn't she just go to the doctor?" Because you call the doctor when you're feeling miserable, and they can't see you for a day or two, and your condition will likely have changed by then anyway. Because I haven't run a fever through this whole thing, and if it was an infection there would have been a fever (right?). Because you sit for a half hour in the waiting room (getting up and down as the receptionist calls you back repeatedly to provide insurance cards and fill out forms) to be seen by the doctor for 15 minutes. Because I have to take time off from work to do it, and I don't want to burn my PTO on what might turn out to be allergies-and-you-just-have-to-live-with-it. That's why. But, after two weeks of this, I will likely just have to break down and go.
Maybe, if I get really ambitious, I'll go out on the patio and sort through some more of the stuff we took out of the shed. Maybe.
Can't start laundry because OS left his clean stuff in the dryer last night. If it's still in there by 9, though, all bets are off. I'm going to gather it up and dump it in his room. I have a LOT Of dirty clothes to get clean, and it's going to take a while.
Other than the laundry and lunch with an old friend tomorrow, my weekend is clear. That's probably a good thing.
This sinusitis is NOT going away. The headache ebbs and flows, but the pressure in my face and ears stays. I know, I know: "Why doesn't she just go to the doctor?" Because you call the doctor when you're feeling miserable, and they can't see you for a day or two, and your condition will likely have changed by then anyway. Because I haven't run a fever through this whole thing, and if it was an infection there would have been a fever (right?). Because you sit for a half hour in the waiting room (getting up and down as the receptionist calls you back repeatedly to provide insurance cards and fill out forms) to be seen by the doctor for 15 minutes. Because I have to take time off from work to do it, and I don't want to burn my PTO on what might turn out to be allergies-and-you-just-have-to-live-with-it. That's why. But, after two weeks of this, I will likely just have to break down and go.
Maybe, if I get really ambitious, I'll go out on the patio and sort through some more of the stuff we took out of the shed. Maybe.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
I would have posted yesterday, but spent most of it unconscious in bed, due to sinusitis. Uck. Don't smoke. Don't ever smoke. I quit 5 years ago, but I still suffer the consequences. Dang! This hurts!
Still haven't managed to connect with the neglected Auntie. I'm so bad. Will call on the free cell phone long distance this weekend--I PROMISE!
Dinner's cooking, and the day proved survivable. Not too bad a way to end a Thursday.
More later.
Still haven't managed to connect with the neglected Auntie. I'm so bad. Will call on the free cell phone long distance this weekend--I PROMISE!
Dinner's cooking, and the day proved survivable. Not too bad a way to end a Thursday.
More later.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
What's today? Is today Tuesday? Holy Crap!
It's a month since Christmas...I didn't send my aunt a birthday card, when I usually send a gift. I called this evening in the car on the way home from work and got her voicemail. Crap. Crap, crap, crap. It was yesterday, for cripe's sake, and I knew it was yesterday. The thought ran through my head all day yesterday, "Call Pam, send Pam an e-mail at something!" But NOOOOO!
Just what my life was lacking--something new to feel guilty about.
It's a month since Christmas...I didn't send my aunt a birthday card, when I usually send a gift. I called this evening in the car on the way home from work and got her voicemail. Crap. Crap, crap, crap. It was yesterday, for cripe's sake, and I knew it was yesterday. The thought ran through my head all day yesterday, "Call Pam, send Pam an e-mail at something!" But NOOOOO!
Just what my life was lacking--something new to feel guilty about.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Please find your Free Weekly Horoscope Service for January 24 to 30.
Your Week in Focus by John |
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Which Six Feet Under Family Member Are You Most Like? Nathaniel Fisher Senior Well obviously, you are not dead yet, but if you were you would be like Nathaniel. Leaving those you loved with the mystery of who you were. Since you are so distant from those you love a lot is left unsaid. |
Click Here to Take This Quiz
Oh Bull Feathers!
Friday, January 21, 2005
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
In 1956 (the year you were born) |
Dwight Eisenhower is president of the US (uh huh) 101 Southern Congressmen call for massive resistance to the Supreme Court desegregation rulings (how embarrassing for the rest of us white people) Italian liner Andrea Doria collides with Swedish liner Stockholm and sinks of Nantucket Island (this was, like, RIGHT around my birthday) An anti-Communist revolt in Hungary is crushed by Soviet troops and tanks (sheesh! what a lot of fun the world was having) Suez crisis occurs in the Middle East (ditto) Elvis Presley enters the music charts for the first time, with "Heartbreak Hotel". (ho hum) Mel Gibson, Bill Maher, Joe Montana, Tom Hanks, and Larry Bird born (at least I'm in good company) New York Yankees win the World Series (BFD) New York Giants win the NFL championship (ditto) Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup (double ditto) Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg is published (this is kinda cool) Elvis Presley appears on The Ed Sullivan Show (No hips for YOU!) The Price is Right game show premieres (and the sucker is still going--just like me!) |
Guess what! ANOTHER semi-hellish day. The computer gods have been frowning on me ever since I dared move into the new cube.
Got home, called Kat to beg off karaoke tonight, cooked and ate dinner. This is it before I go get horizontal for the night. Cripes! Hope I sleep better than I have the past few nights. Life change is so trying!
Got home, called Kat to beg off karaoke tonight, cooked and ate dinner. This is it before I go get horizontal for the night. Cripes! Hope I sleep better than I have the past few nights. Life change is so trying!
My hair is getting so long, that if I want to wash it in the morning before work, I have to get up 45 minutes early. After my semi-hellish day at work yesterday, all I wanted to do when I got home was eat and go to bed. So, no hair washing. And it needed it.
Up at 5:45 this morning to un-ick the tresses. Sometimes I wish I didn't like having long hair so much. On the one hand, I don't have to wash it every day. On the other, when I do have to wash it, it's a project.
After 20 years with almost boy-short hair, it's nice to have that girly feel around my head. You get tired of being practical, you know?
Up at 5:45 this morning to un-ick the tresses. Sometimes I wish I didn't like having long hair so much. On the one hand, I don't have to wash it every day. On the other, when I do have to wash it, it's a project.
After 20 years with almost boy-short hair, it's nice to have that girly feel around my head. You get tired of being practical, you know?
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Scorpio Horoscope for 1/17- 1/23 |
This week's scenario is highlighted by you really going out of your way for loved ones. (so what else is new?)
You become more generous, helpful, and concerned with the people you care about. (I guess someone is going to need my BLOOD, now) You take pride in your abilities to support, nurture, and protect your mate, children, and family. (Pride? Yes, I suppose.) Others will not overlook your good deeds now. (Lordy, I hope not.) Similarly, you make a significant impression or an impact on the lives of those in your care, resulting in greater loyalty and closeness in your domestic life. (They love me, they really love me!) Your enthusiasm and knowledge can draw new people and experiences into your life now. (NOW you're talkin'! Bring on the NEW people! This old bunch can be tedious.) |
Whoa! Long weekend, lotta shtuff.
Friday, as promised, worked with OS to drag everything out of the shed. That left everything (minus the dumpsterload we threw away) on the patio. Worked about 3 hours going through things, but it still looked like a bomb went off out there.
Saturday, sinuses...Ugh. Went to bed with Vicks, sudafed and a heating pad. Really PO'd OS, as he thought I was being lazy. TT, as we said in the old days.
Got up Sunday raring to go. Maybe all the crud we disturbed got up in my head and that's what made me sick on Saturday? Whatever, friend Kat came over to keep me company while I sorted and filled plastic bins. I have so many photos! If I ever go through them all, it will be quite an impressive collection of albums to share with posterity. Right now, they're a bunch of colored pieces of paper in plastic bins. Realized about 2:30 (after OS asked, "Weren't you supposed to go work for Gwen today?") that I had completely spaced out an afternoon of computer application support work I'd promised a friend. Thank goodness she was goodnatured about it, AND I had another day off to go do what I'd promised. I hate it when stuff falls out the holes in my brain.
So, Monday, off I went to the home inspection company to upgrade their software and do further report customization. Discovered they have several versions of the same d-base operating on three different, non-networked computers...NOT a good thing when one is planning to export results to accounting software. Must come up with a fix. (insert sound of head banging on desk here)
Tuesday! Today! First day in my new office! ACK! Computer keeps dropping its network connection, the scanner isn't showing as hooked up to any of my applications, IS Field techs didn't get all the software for the Palm installed, so it won't update. The new admin started today, so I was running back and forth between our work stations all day. If ever I needed my network to work, this was the day.
I don't know what the fix was, but the lan connection now seems to be stable again, although every network application is running really slowly. When a tech finally shows up to fix the problem that no longer exists, I'll have them see if they can take care of the others I've discovered since my original contact.
I'm beat, and going home.
Friday, as promised, worked with OS to drag everything out of the shed. That left everything (minus the dumpsterload we threw away) on the patio. Worked about 3 hours going through things, but it still looked like a bomb went off out there.
Saturday, sinuses...Ugh. Went to bed with Vicks, sudafed and a heating pad. Really PO'd OS, as he thought I was being lazy. TT, as we said in the old days.
Got up Sunday raring to go. Maybe all the crud we disturbed got up in my head and that's what made me sick on Saturday? Whatever, friend Kat came over to keep me company while I sorted and filled plastic bins. I have so many photos! If I ever go through them all, it will be quite an impressive collection of albums to share with posterity. Right now, they're a bunch of colored pieces of paper in plastic bins. Realized about 2:30 (after OS asked, "Weren't you supposed to go work for Gwen today?") that I had completely spaced out an afternoon of computer application support work I'd promised a friend. Thank goodness she was goodnatured about it, AND I had another day off to go do what I'd promised. I hate it when stuff falls out the holes in my brain.
So, Monday, off I went to the home inspection company to upgrade their software and do further report customization. Discovered they have several versions of the same d-base operating on three different, non-networked computers...NOT a good thing when one is planning to export results to accounting software. Must come up with a fix. (insert sound of head banging on desk here)
Tuesday! Today! First day in my new office! ACK! Computer keeps dropping its network connection, the scanner isn't showing as hooked up to any of my applications, IS Field techs didn't get all the software for the Palm installed, so it won't update. The new admin started today, so I was running back and forth between our work stations all day. If ever I needed my network to work, this was the day.
I don't know what the fix was, but the lan connection now seems to be stable again, although every network application is running really slowly. When a tech finally shows up to fix the problem that no longer exists, I'll have them see if they can take care of the others I've discovered since my original contact.
I'm beat, and going home.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
You Are 27 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Ain't this sweet? Actually, I'm probably YOUNGER than this on most days...this may just be an average of my "old" days and "kid" days.
Today's the big day; moving into the new office. Well, moving my stuff out of the old office and into the new office so the new admin, "V", will have a clear space to arrange the way she wants it when she gets here on Tuesday. I'm off tomorrow, so I must get everything done today.
Since I won't be here tomorrow, I'll also need to complete the analysis on the department customer satisfaction survey before I leave. That shouldn't take too long. We have a really good online survey tool the company uses. The analysis items can be set up ahead of time, and then, when you have all your responses, you just run the analysis, and you get your reports. There are a few things about it I'd change (if they asked me, I'd tell 'em! :) ), but it has saved me a tremendous amount of grunt work on this year's survey. Things I spent days on last year are only taking hours to complete. Ain't technology grand?
Since I won't be here tomorrow, I'll also need to complete the analysis on the department customer satisfaction survey before I leave. That shouldn't take too long. We have a really good online survey tool the company uses. The analysis items can be set up ahead of time, and then, when you have all your responses, you just run the analysis, and you get your reports. There are a few things about it I'd change (if they asked me, I'd tell 'em! :) ), but it has saved me a tremendous amount of grunt work on this year's survey. Things I spent days on last year are only taking hours to complete. Ain't technology grand?
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Another day has whizzed passed me.
The bloodmobile came to work today, so I did my Power Red thing. That's two units of red blood cells at one time. They put the plasma back in, so you don't dry up like a prune and fall over afterward. It's cool to watch the color in the tubes change as the machine goes through its cycles.
I've been donating blood for 30 years now--the first time was in my freshman year of college (the FIRST time I went to college). Some years, I only do it once, some years as many times as I'm able. For whole blood, that's every two months, for the Power Red, it's every four months.
Donating blood is like voting, for me, or (when I was still going to church, lo these many years ago) taking Communion. There's a sense of righteousness afterward--that I've done a good thing. Since I've lost whatever rags and tatters of religious faith I might ever have had, voting and donating blood and raising money for food drives and donating used clothing will have to do. We each do good in whatever way works best for us.
So anyway, my left knee hurts, and I don't know why. It didn't hurt until after I walked around the block at work last week. This being healthy thing just isn't me. Guess I'll go take some ibuprofen and a nap.
The bloodmobile came to work today, so I did my Power Red thing. That's two units of red blood cells at one time. They put the plasma back in, so you don't dry up like a prune and fall over afterward. It's cool to watch the color in the tubes change as the machine goes through its cycles.
I've been donating blood for 30 years now--the first time was in my freshman year of college (the FIRST time I went to college). Some years, I only do it once, some years as many times as I'm able. For whole blood, that's every two months, for the Power Red, it's every four months.
Donating blood is like voting, for me, or (when I was still going to church, lo these many years ago) taking Communion. There's a sense of righteousness afterward--that I've done a good thing. Since I've lost whatever rags and tatters of religious faith I might ever have had, voting and donating blood and raising money for food drives and donating used clothing will have to do. We each do good in whatever way works best for us.
So anyway, my left knee hurts, and I don't know why. It didn't hurt until after I walked around the block at work last week. This being healthy thing just isn't me. Guess I'll go take some ibuprofen and a nap.
Monday, January 10, 2005
Wow! Busy day at work. Got a lot accomplished and was rewarded by having the time fly by.
Preparations for moving into my new cube continue. I am winnowing and chucking like crazy. Let me say it again, "I collect a LOT of crap."
I've been reading James McBride's The Color of Water. What a good book. I enjoy his writing style so much...colloquial and funny, yet thoughtful. His mother must have been a stitch. Guess I'm going to have to buy his newer one, a novel, The Miracle of St. Anna. Write faster, Mr. McBride! I want to read MORE.
Preparations for moving into my new cube continue. I am winnowing and chucking like crazy. Let me say it again, "I collect a LOT of crap."
I've been reading James McBride's The Color of Water. What a good book. I enjoy his writing style so much...colloquial and funny, yet thoughtful. His mother must have been a stitch. Guess I'm going to have to buy his newer one, a novel, The Miracle of St. Anna. Write faster, Mr. McBride! I want to read MORE.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
You Are the Helper |
2 You always put on a happy face and try to help those around you. You're incredibly empathetic and care about everyone you know. Able to see the good in others, you're thoughtful, warm, and sincere. You connect with people who are charming and charismatic. |
What number are you?
Oh Crap...this is me? Yeah...I guess it is. I guess this explains a lot of my past relationships.
Scorpio Horoscope for 1/10- 1/17 |
This week's scenario is highlighted by your needs for love, companionship, friendship, and sharing, and you won't want to be alone or go off to do solitary work.
In fact, you feel like relaxing and enjoying the beautiful side of life rather than laboring or concentrating on difficult tasks. (Okay, so why have I committed to cleaning out the shed with OS this weekend?) A significant development in a close relationship or strong feelings of attraction to someone you encounter are very likely at this time. (Sheesh! That'd be nice!) Right now, you will be tempted to do something for pleasure which you ordinarily wouldn't enjoy or even be interested in. (Can I hear an amen for temptation?) Influences from a lover or friend pull you in a direction that is a bit off the beaten track for you. (YEEhah) If you goof off or choose to indulge yourself, there will be some form of pay back later. (There always is) Beware of indulgences that compromise your values or integrity. (Don't know if that's possible. I don't hang with people who would do that.) This horoscope provided by Astrology Source. Learn about your inner self, friends, and lovers. |
Another "profile" from blogthings:
Scorpio - Your Love ProfileYour positive traits:You're red hot passion makes anyone you date feel extremely wanted Loyalty, to the point of doing anything to protect your lover (I won't take the rap and go to Sing-Sing for you, Rico!) You are mysterious and charismatic - and you easily draw people in (yes, just like a black hole) Your negative traits: You tend to be paranoid and think that the worst is going on with your lover (I don't think of it as paranoia; more like being realistic) You turn cold and mean at the first sign of conflict in relationship (NO NO NO! Not sweet lil ol' me!) You sometimes become obsessed with dates - so much so that you develop jealousy early on (stalking? what's stalking?) Your ideal partner: Someone who will take the time to win you over. Not an easy task! Is able to keep up with your carnal appetite... lots of stamina needed. (heh heh heh) Reassures you of their love and loyalty on a daily basis. (words don't count, cookin' do) Your dating style: Intense. You prefer to stay in with take out and conversation - so that no one else is distracting you and your date. (Nope! Also not me! I want to go PARTY!) Your seduction style: Hot. New partners have trouble believing that your libido is for real. You have incredible sexual intuition - you always know what your lover craves A bit bossy. You know what you want, and you certainly aren't afraid to ask for it. (and your problem with this is?) Tips for the future: Don't be so secretive with your love - they want you the way you are Let go of your jealousy. Your partner has chosen *you* Spend more time alone, doing things you love. It will help you be less obsessive. (I spend enough time alone now. I want to spend some time with someone ELSE) Best color to attract mate: Dark red (I actually wear red a LOT. Apparently doesn't do much attracting for me, but I DO look good in it) Best day for a date: Tuesday (Oh please. I'm a working woman.) Get your free love profile at Blogthings. |
I found this at true...good place to visit, blogthings...quizzes and other fun stuff.
You Know You're From Arizona When... |
You've signed so many petitions to recall governors you can't remember the name of the incumbent.
You notice your car overheating before you drive it. You no longer associate bridges or rivers with water. You know a swamp cooler is not a happy hour drink. You can hear the weather forecast of 115 degrees without flinching. You can be in the snow, then drive for an hour...and it will be over 100 degrees. You discover, in July it only takes two fingers to drive your car, because your steering wheel is so hot. You can make sun tea instantly. You run your a/c in the middle of winter so you can use your fireplace. (I've never done this, but know people who have) The best parking is determined by shade.....not distance. You realize that "Valley Fever" isn't a disco dance. Hotter water comes from the cold water tap than the hot one. It's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation and yet all the streets are totally empty of both cars and people. You actually burn your hand opening the car door. Sunscreen is sold year round, kept right at the checkout counter. You put on fresh sunscreen just to go check the mail box. Some fools will market mini-misters for joggers and some other fools will actually buy them. Worse.....some fools actually try to jog. You know hot air balloons can't rise because the air temperature is hotter than the air inside the balloon. No one would dream of putting vinyl inside a car. You see two trees fighting over a dog. You can say "Hohokam" and people don't think you're laughing funny. You see more irrigation water on the street than there is in the Salt River. You have to go to a fake beach for some fake waves. (Yes, this is true. It is called the Kiwanis Wave Pool in Tempe) You can pronounce"Saguaro", "Tempe", "San Xavier", "Canyon de Chelly", "Mogollon Rim", and "Cholla". You can understand the reason for a town named "Why" You can fry an egg on the hood of a car IN THE MORNING! You hear people say "but it's a DRY heat!" (Yes, and then HURT them.) You buy salsa by the gallon. Your Christmas decorations include sand and one hundred paper bags. (Personally I've given up on luminarias. The neighborhood thugs use them to catch the dry grass on fire. Not festive at ALL.) You think a red light is merely a suggestion. All of your out-of-state friends start to visit after October but clear out come the end of April. You think someone driving wearing oven mitts is clever. Most of the restaurants in town have the first name "El" or "Los." (Anyone who believes the Phoenix Metro Area needs ANOTHER Mexican restaurant is not living in the real world) You think 60 tons of crushed red rock makes a beautiful yard. Your house is made of stucco and has a red clay tile roof. Vehicles with open windows have the right-of-way in the summer. Most homes have more firearms than people. Kids will ask, "What's a mosquito?" (Unless you live near the canal) People who have black cars or black upholstery in their car are automatically assumed to be from out of-state or nuts. You know better than to get into a car with leather seats if you're wearing shorts. If you haven't worked for Motorola at some time, you must be a newcomer. You can finish a Big Gulp in 10 minutes and go back for seconds. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Arizona. |
Sunday, Sunday...been sitting at computer, chatting and surfing for about 4 hours now. It just might be time to stand up and let the blood circulate. Hair needs washing, and so do clothes from the week.
Today is the P.F. Chang's Rock N Roll Marathon in Phoenix. Here's an article from the local paper:
and here is the website for the marathon itself: If you'd like to see what Phoenix looks like, go to the main page, and scroll down. On the left side is "Virtual Course Tour". It'll play the course route, taken from a car traveling through the streets of Phoenix, in your Windows Media Player. Cool.
Personally, I'm in training to walk a 5k next month...that's okay. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step...or something like that. Better to be moving than sitting still, at this point.
I had started to make some improvements in my physical condition that culminated in my trip to Kona in July 2003, but have let things slip in the past year. Time to lose weight again and get moving. Maybe, by the time I'm 60, I'll be ready for a marathon. :o)
Today is the P.F. Chang's Rock N Roll Marathon in Phoenix. Here's an article from the local paper:
and here is the website for the marathon itself: If you'd like to see what Phoenix looks like, go to the main page, and scroll down. On the left side is "Virtual Course Tour". It'll play the course route, taken from a car traveling through the streets of Phoenix, in your Windows Media Player. Cool.
Personally, I'm in training to walk a 5k next month...that's okay. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step...or something like that. Better to be moving than sitting still, at this point.
I had started to make some improvements in my physical condition that culminated in my trip to Kona in July 2003, but have let things slip in the past year. Time to lose weight again and get moving. Maybe, by the time I'm 60, I'll be ready for a marathon. :o)
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Happy New Year!
We had a fun time at the party in Tempe on NYE. Kat (bless her once again) was the designated driver. Also, hair and makeup stylist and wardrobe consultant. Boy! I was festooned! Big hair, long crushed velvet dress, rhinestone jewelry. Somewhere, there are pics of me...and her...will post them when I find them.
Back at work, getting back into the groove. Moving my stuff over to the new cubicle and trying to figure out what the new admin will need, what I should take with me, and what is just crap and tossable. I collect a lot of crap, so the job will take more than today.
YS (younger son) was sick for most of the holiday weekend, but is starting to feel better now. It takes something major to make that kid lose a day of school. He sure doesn't get it from Mom. I cut my way through high school, and maxed out sick days whenever I could. If I didn't have a friend in the attendance office, they probably wouldn't have graduated me, even though I had a 98% grade point average.
OS got his bicycle reconditioned in preparation for starting classes at ASU in a couple of weeks. He's going to have to park in locations remote from his classes, so put a bike rack on the back of the car so he can get to class in time. I hope he has a good lock for it...things disappear a lot on that campus!
I've been feeling very well all through the holidays, and thought I'd missed the germ train entirely. Now that everyone's back from their vacations, though, and sharing the ick they picked up from their loved ones, I think I may be coming down with something. Oh great. Well, at least there's PTO in the time bank again. Will stick it out until I can tell whether it's just a passing thing, or am about to be laid low.
We had a fun time at the party in Tempe on NYE. Kat (bless her once again) was the designated driver. Also, hair and makeup stylist and wardrobe consultant. Boy! I was festooned! Big hair, long crushed velvet dress, rhinestone jewelry. Somewhere, there are pics of me...and her...will post them when I find them.
Back at work, getting back into the groove. Moving my stuff over to the new cubicle and trying to figure out what the new admin will need, what I should take with me, and what is just crap and tossable. I collect a lot of crap, so the job will take more than today.
YS (younger son) was sick for most of the holiday weekend, but is starting to feel better now. It takes something major to make that kid lose a day of school. He sure doesn't get it from Mom. I cut my way through high school, and maxed out sick days whenever I could. If I didn't have a friend in the attendance office, they probably wouldn't have graduated me, even though I had a 98% grade point average.
OS got his bicycle reconditioned in preparation for starting classes at ASU in a couple of weeks. He's going to have to park in locations remote from his classes, so put a bike rack on the back of the car so he can get to class in time. I hope he has a good lock for it...things disappear a lot on that campus!
I've been feeling very well all through the holidays, and thought I'd missed the germ train entirely. Now that everyone's back from their vacations, though, and sharing the ick they picked up from their loved ones, I think I may be coming down with something. Oh great. Well, at least there's PTO in the time bank again. Will stick it out until I can tell whether it's just a passing thing, or am about to be laid low.
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