Happy New Year!
We had a fun time at the party in Tempe on NYE. Kat (bless her once again) was the designated driver. Also, hair and makeup stylist and wardrobe consultant. Boy! I was festooned! Big hair, long crushed velvet dress, rhinestone jewelry. Somewhere, there are pics of me...and her...will post them when I find them.
Back at work, getting back into the groove. Moving my stuff over to the new cubicle and trying to figure out what the new admin will need, what I should take with me, and what is just crap and tossable. I collect a lot of crap, so the job will take more than today.
YS (younger son) was sick for most of the holiday weekend, but is starting to feel better now. It takes something major to make that kid lose a day of school. He sure doesn't get it from Mom. I cut my way through high school, and maxed out sick days whenever I could. If I didn't have a friend in the attendance office, they probably wouldn't have graduated me, even though I had a 98% grade point average.
OS got his bicycle reconditioned in preparation for starting classes at ASU in a couple of weeks. He's going to have to park in locations remote from his classes, so put a bike rack on the back of the car so he can get to class in time. I hope he has a good lock for it...things disappear a lot on that campus!
I've been feeling very well all through the holidays, and thought I'd missed the germ train entirely. Now that everyone's back from their vacations, though, and sharing the ick they picked up from their loved ones, I think I may be coming down with something. Oh great. Well, at least there's PTO in the time bank again. Will stick it out until I can tell whether it's just a passing thing, or am about to be laid low.
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago
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