Whoa! Long weekend, lotta shtuff.
Friday, as promised, worked with OS to drag everything out of the shed. That left everything (minus the dumpsterload we threw away) on the patio. Worked about 3 hours going through things, but it still looked like a bomb went off out there.
Saturday, sinuses...Ugh. Went to bed with Vicks, sudafed and a heating pad. Really PO'd OS, as he thought I was being lazy. TT, as we said in the old days.
Got up Sunday raring to go. Maybe all the crud we disturbed got up in my head and that's what made me sick on Saturday? Whatever, friend Kat came over to keep me company while I sorted and filled plastic bins. I have so many photos! If I ever go through them all, it will be quite an impressive collection of albums to share with posterity. Right now, they're a bunch of colored pieces of paper in plastic bins. Realized about 2:30 (after OS asked, "Weren't you supposed to go work for Gwen today?") that I had completely spaced out an afternoon of computer application support work I'd promised a friend. Thank goodness she was goodnatured about it, AND I had another day off to go do what I'd promised. I hate it when stuff falls out the holes in my brain.
So, Monday, off I went to the home inspection company to upgrade their software and do further report customization. Discovered they have several versions of the same d-base operating on three different, non-networked computers...NOT a good thing when one is planning to export results to accounting software. Must come up with a fix. (insert sound of head banging on desk here)
Tuesday! Today! First day in my new office! ACK! Computer keeps dropping its network connection, the scanner isn't showing as hooked up to any of my applications, IS Field techs didn't get all the software for the Palm installed, so it won't update. The new admin started today, so I was running back and forth between our work stations all day. If ever I needed my network to work, this was the day.
I don't know what the fix was, but the lan connection now seems to be stable again, although every network application is running really slowly. When a tech finally shows up to fix the problem that no longer exists, I'll have them see if they can take care of the others I've discovered since my original contact.
I'm beat, and going home.
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago
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