Another day has whizzed passed me.
The bloodmobile came to work today, so I did my Power Red thing. That's two units of red blood cells at one time. They put the plasma back in, so you don't dry up like a prune and fall over afterward. It's cool to watch the color in the tubes change as the machine goes through its cycles.
I've been donating blood for 30 years now--the first time was in my freshman year of college (the FIRST time I went to college). Some years, I only do it once, some years as many times as I'm able. For whole blood, that's every two months, for the Power Red, it's every four months.
Donating blood is like voting, for me, or (when I was still going to church, lo these many years ago) taking Communion. There's a sense of righteousness afterward--that I've done a good thing. Since I've lost whatever rags and tatters of religious faith I might ever have had, voting and donating blood and raising money for food drives and donating used clothing will have to do. We each do good in whatever way works best for us.
So anyway, my left knee hurts, and I don't know why. It didn't hurt until after I walked around the block at work last week. This being healthy thing just isn't me. Guess I'll go take some ibuprofen and a nap.
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago
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