Have an appointment with the therapist today. I thought I had one on the first, even had a card she'd written it on. When I got there, a young woman with a small child was waiting, too. When the therapist came out, I said, "It looks like we have a time conflict again." She said, "No, don't you remember? I called you to change it." No, I don't remember, and still think she didn't call me. She can be a little scattered when it comes to time. I am, too. That's why I write everything down. If she'd called me, I would have written it down. There wasn't anything on my voicemail, either. Hmmmmm.
This is the second time this has happened. We need to come up with a system to make sure there's good communication on this. Maybe she can text me if there's a change? That way I have something written for reference. I'll suggest that today.
Never left the house yesterday. Did the exercise, did the dishes, made breakfast, lunch and dinner. Watched a movie, read a bit. All in the house. Oh wait! I went out on the patio to water the plants. Does that count? It's a good thing there are things I'm expected to do "out in the world" today, or I'd probably stay in here again. At least I wasn't crying.
This morning, WATP Walking Strong Express (2 miles, just under 30 minutes). I did this one plus another yesterday, but today I used weights. That pulled pec still needs babying, so I went easy on the motions that call for it. I'm sweating like a cold can of beer on a hot summer afternoon. That's sounds good, doesn't it? The beer, not the sweat.
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago
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