The pool and poker party was very relaxing and enjoyable. As usual in pot luck set-ups, I ate way too much for way too long. Just hung out with the other non-poker people while my friend enjoyed the games she was in. They played for five hours! I thought that might be par for the course for Texas Hold 'Em tournaments, but apparently that's a long time. They started with 11 players and got down to the last two around 11:30 or so.
We were in my friend's truck, but I was the driver so she could drink if she wanted to. She did, so I drove, and all was fine.
Even though Friday night and the Saturday festivities were fun and I felt non-pressured, there must be some element of social interaction that is stressful without my realizing it. Why else did I wind up mostly in bed for two solid days? Of course, I find it wears on me to talk on the phone when I get like this, so hauling my body to another location and putting it amongst multiple others in a room and asking my brain to follow and participate in conversations may be tougher than one would expect. At least I stopped the crying thing. Haven't had a good jag in more than two weeks.
There are two medical appointments tomorrow, so I must get out of bed, clean, and on the road. If anything else needs doing, it will likely be done then.
There are ongoing GL issues, but I'm maintaining minimum necessary contact to deal with them right now. I'll be stronger later in the week. It'd be nice if she could postpone any looming crises until Wednesday or so.
Going out two days in a row may have been overdoing it, even though both situations were laid-back and enjoyable.
I've been in the house, mostly in bed, and feeling rather disconnected yesterday and today.
"I'm laying in bed. Why am I laying in bed? I'm not sleepy, not really tired, not sick; so why am I in bed?"
"Because it's just too damn much trouble and effort to get up and take a shower and go someplace else. That's why I'm in bed."
I'm not sure whether that can be defined as "okay", but I don't feel particularly bad. It's almost like I'm sitting next to myself, instead of inside. Does that make any sense at all?
This makes perfect sense to me, Sue, but you know, you can take that with a grain of salt! I think you are fine, your crying jags have stopped, you're recognizing - what? Dissociation? No, there's a word for it but it escapes me. Disconnected - you're "recharging your batteries" as my mother would have said. Too much stimuli will do that to me, too. I think you did great to visit for five hours while your friend played poker. Just take good and gentle care, Sue. And tell me, how do you put the links on your blog? (grin) You're far more clever than I am.