Got the mail, made the appointment.
In the mail, there was a notification from Cox Cable that the rates are going up AGAIN. Ridiculous.
I called them to work through something I can afford. This was my true test today. Not good for me, these situations; not good at all. Did okay, though. Didn't cry or yell, and managed to stay focused well enough through the call to understand what the lady was telling me (I had to ask her to put it in very simple terms, like "This will cost $150 on your next bill) and follow through.
Not going to the nursing home today, though. Nope. That's not gonna happen.
I'm depressed and anxious, not nuts.
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago
I always say I'm crazy but I'm not stupid. That reminds me of a joke. A salesman was going past a mental hospital and one of the wheels on his car fell off. An inmate was strolling nearby and offered to help. He said, why don't you take just one each of the lug nuts off the other wheels and put them on this wheel, and then you'll have only three lug nuts on each wheel but it will be enough to hold the wheels on until you get to a garage. The salesman was amazed at this and asked the inmate if he was really a psych patient here as he seemed to be so smart? And the patient said, "I'm nuts but I'm not stupid."