Tuesday, August 17, 2010

24 Hours' Worth of New Jewelry

Three from Monday evening
I've been nattering on about getting back into making bead jewelry again, and wanted to show what I've been working on. Here are several I made last evening and tonight.

A customer asked for something with a turtle
This little guy should fit in with many casual styles
19" - $10

People can be vague when they are trying to describe what they'd like to have made, especially after about five beers. I do my best.
One man asked if I had anything for guys
He wants something masculine that has "sapphire blue" in it
22" - $15

When the jewelry is set out on display, there are always a couple of guys who come be to look.

In the beginning, I thought they were looking to see if there was anything they might want to buy for a gift for a girlfriend. I soon learned that they were looking for something for themselves. I need to make and stock more masculine styles.

One of those "shoppers" asked if I'd make something for him with "sapphire blue", because sapphire is his birthstone.

Sapphire blue is difficult come by in natural rock, if you don't have the money for actual sapphire.

The first necklace has black obsidian chips and natural lapis.
Second attempt at the masculine necklace with "sapphire blue"
22" - $12

The big piece with lapis looked a little feminine to me, so I tried one that's more "nuggety" for my customer.

The "sapphire" is blue glass.

Those are from last night.

Tonight, I made three smaller pieces, definitely feminine.

17" = $10 set

These are porcelain beads that have an old-fashioned Asian look to them. The color in the photo is a bit misleading. The twisted lengths between the beads are silver-lined clear glass, although they appear more yellow here.

Asian porcelain beads.

Black glass beads on black bugle beads
17 1/2" - $8
Closer view of black glass beads on black. There's a copper motif on the beads
The other two from tonight are both black, but slightly different.

This first one is black with copper motifs on the beads strung with black bugle beads.
Ceramic and glass beads with snowflake obsidian
16 1/2" - $8
Closer view
This last has larger ceramic beads and small black and gold seed beads on a silver twist background.


  1. Beautiful jewelry, Sue. You are artistic and creative. Lucky clients.

  2. Very nice, Sue! Can you make them in 24" lengths?

  3. I can make any length I want to, Judi. I have wire snips! :)

  4. Wow, I'm impressed - very talented lady to mix them up like that and 'custom' orders too!

  5. Wow, Sue! These are absolutely gorgeous . . . I particularly like the sapphire necklaces. Becky
