Took meds at 7 p.m. last night. Fell asleep somewhere around midnight. Awakened at 8:11 this morning, ready to go, go, go.
Hit the "brew" button on the coffee pot, put on socks and sneakers (yes, with my night clothes), pushed the necessary buttons on AV equipment and did WATP 30 Minute Walk. Then it was shower and dress time, and out to the computer to verify appointment time on Google Calendar (11:45, yup), see when and for how much vocal classes were offered at Glendale Community College (not this semester...maybe next), into the hall bedroom to look at my lovely creations from last night. Back to the computer for a quick Facebook check....
When these bursts of energy and motivation hit, I have learned to take advantage of every drop of go-juice. It doesn't feel like it's coming from the medication. It feels like the medication is allowing the energy to come forth.
After seeing the therapist, stopped at the "nice" Costco up by her office to pick up stuff that's good for me (fruits and vegetables and yogurt), then back home. Put the groceries away and cleared the kitchen counters and sink again, then stood in the dining area...just breathing (see: Animal from the Muppets panting over his drum set after playing his first bit and going into his second) and looking around.
The sconces (I think that's what you'd call them) that have been on the end table in the living room (along with screws, pliers, screwdriver, boxes, etc.) since February were the first target. As you can see (green arrows), they are now up and all the miscellaneous crap has been put away.
While we're on this portion of the tour, also notice the throw pillows barricading the chairs (yellow arrows), and one of the reasons for the barricades (red arrow), Skootch. Yes, the same adorable kitten rescued four years ago last month, now working her way through all destructible portions of my living space in haphazard fashion. Skootch, the reason I finally broke down and spent $60 on a wireless headset for Skype because it was less expensive than buying a new cheap set every time she chews through the wires.
What else irked me enough to do something about it? Oh! The Christmas lights in the living room window. Okay, go ahead. Laugh. Sneer at the woman who still had colorful LEDs taped to her window frame in August. And then please remember that you weren't here to hold the top of the mini-blinds so they wouldn't fall down while I unstuck everything.

Next? The CATS. Their box needed to be changed out, but their claws had to be clipped first. Otherwise, every time they use the box, the claws tear holes in the plastic liner. Kinda defeats the purpose. And, hey, while I'm holding their fuzzy, shedding bodies, might as well Furminate them, too.
I love the Furminator. I mean, they lie, it isn't shedless, but it's better than anything else I've ever used to get loose hair off an animal. Great tool. My girls don't sit as nicely as the cat in the video while I do it, so I don't get those great big clods of hair, but it works.
So, they're pedicured, Furminated, and have a clean box. What's left? Well, lots, but for right now, the family room rug needs a good vacuuming. I'm furry, too, but will take care of that after the bagless filter thingy is cleaned out--several times. Gracie is a very hairy cat. She is also a very fat cat. So, here is a photo of a very hairy, fat cat sitting on a freshly vacuumed rug.
Because that's why we have rugs: so cats will have someplace cushy to lie down when they're not on the couches. Or the chairs. Or clean laundry (if they can find it).
I'm going to trade my fuzzy clothing for some un-fuzzy clothing and find something to eat for dinner. I earned it today.
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