Yesterday was very productive (relatively speaking, of course).
Started out with 1/2 hour Walk Strong Express DVD routine, so got a dose of righteousness in right up front.
Went for annual mammogram, then to store to buy fruit and veggies for me, and several small treats for Grandma Lee. Had remembered to put the quilt that's been sitting in my closet for almost a year into the car late on Monday, so she got that, too.
So, onward to the nursing home. They hadn't done her laundry in at least a week. It seems it slipped everyone's minds in all the shifting around they did with her, that I was no longer taking care of it...never mind the note in the chart and the five inventory sheets from Housekeeping. The room REEKED from it. Got that straightened out, and the nasty, dirty clothes disappeared *POOF!* in an instant. Don't be cuttin' your eyes at ME, Nurse Lady. I'M doing my job, here. Read the papers in the FOLDER.
She was fresh from the shower and settling in to "watch TV", which usually means "fall asleep". Between needing the oxygen right now, and the Seroquel, she gets sleepy a LOT. I have raised my concerns with the Nurse Practitioner so she will re-evaluate meds and dosage, etc. She enjoyed the treats and her new coverlet, so there were smiles as I said goodbye.
While I was there, picked up the check which reimburses my out-of-pocket expenses for the past year. It was a sizable chunk of change, so the credit union was the next stop. There's a Cost Plus World Market in the same plaza, and cruising the aisles there is like taking a mini-vacation for me. Came out with decaf coffee, sugar-free black cherry Italian syrup, artichoke bruschetta spread, 2 mini bottles of Pinot Grigio (so I have something in the house to offer a guest), a photo frame, and a few other things that escape me right now.
Went to Costco to renew my old membership, and bought gas while there ($2.639/gal, in case anyone cares)
I've already forgotten what else I did, or where else I stopped, which tells you how well my mind is working.
Spoke with the psychiatrist on the phone, and he told me to adjust meds +1 on one pill and -1 on another. I should keep track and let him know in a few days if it's any better. I wrote myself a note and stuck it to the bathroom mirror. So far, so good.
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
3 days ago
Good on ya, Sue; you're already sounding better. What you do for Grandma Lee is nothing short of saintly.