Took my little jewelry show on the road last night--set up a table at the karaoke bar. There was a lot of interest, although the only people who purchased either had put in requests for certain things in previous weeks, or are friends of mine who probably would have bought something anyway. Although I love that they love my stuff, I don't want all my friends to go broke, so I really need to start selling to strangers.
The turtle necklace went, as did the black obsidian with sapphire blue glass and silver beads. I re-strung the large white lampwork beads on silver, and the lady who bought the turtle bought that, too. The set with bracelet and earrings made with unakite and porcelain beads, and a simple black choker with black beads embellished with copper sold. The purple with silver-plated beads and pendant.
Before I went, I made up an inventory sheet with a photo of the item, the item #, the length, and the price. When there was a sale, I checked it off the list with the date and who bought it. Well, I managed to get it done for everything priced $10 and up, but need to finish the less expensive items.
Six items (sets and individual pieces) sold, so I got back the money for the last beads I purchased. I'm still way behind the eight-ball in overall costs, but we aren't talking thousands of dollars here, either. I need business cards, I need price tags, and I'm going to need more beads. The young man who owns the tattoo parlor down the block from the karaoke bar said he might be interested in putting a display of my wares on consignment in the lobby of their store.
Given that it's a tattoo parlor, I'm going to have to tailor the look more towards their clientele, mostly female, with a predilection for dark colors. I'll cruise their site and some others to see what the people in the photos are wearing.
Speaking of photos, for some reason, blogger isn't letting me upload photos with this post. Will look into that to see how I can get that going again. We need illustrations, Dammit!
Open Photo Shoot in Terra Haute, IN
2 days ago
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